Ricerca avanzata per:
Risultati della ricerca
1. Evento recruitment Everis (100%)
8-set-2016 13.26.00Evento recruitment Everis recruitment, everis, lavoro Il 10 dicembre pv presso la Sala Consiglio "Capitò" Edificio 7 Presidenza Scuola Politecnica, si terrà un evento di recruitment per la società Everis che ricerca, per le proprie Business Unit di Milano e Roma, Consulenti IT. Per maggiori informazioni è possibile scrivere a placement.cot@unipa.it indicando in oggetto "Recruitment everis". Maggiori dettagli nella locandina allegata. MARCO LA CASCIA /sites/portale
2. Recruitment laser (88%)
27-gen-2017 8.25.32Recruitment laser Manpower, , recruitment, laser Multinazionale cerca laureati in Ingegneria Elettronica, Fisica per l'area R&D di Laser. Per info contattare Manpower https://www.manpower.it/annuncio-lavoro/senior-laser-engineer/500177962 CECILIA MACALUSO
3. hrs4r form_euraxess (58%)
27-mar-2023 14.39.45for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Statute_2022_Art 3.2) (1 ... of incompatibility and conflict of interest in recruitment were highlighted in its more recent revision ... ?29 Recruitment and selection* Strengths and Weaknesses (Initial Phase) Strengths and Weaknesses ... statutory provisions, UniPa encourages the adoption of “Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R ... for Researchers. Recruitment within our academic community is a process subject to careful and
4. h2020-manuale_amga_last (55%)
26-lug-2017 17.17.11................................................................................................. 245 SECTION 4 OTHER RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 250 ARTICLE 32 — RECRUITMENT AND WORKING ... ................................................................................................. 432 ARTICLE 32 — RECRUITMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS ... ARTICLE 32 — RECRUITMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS FOR THE RECRUITED RESEARCHER........... 459 ... ................................................................................................. 491 ARTICLE 32 — RECRUITMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS
5. en_bando 27 posti ordinari art. 18_ c. 1-2019_en_final (52%)
9-lug-2019 14.25.53competitions, unique competitions and other forms of recruitment in the Public employment as emended ... of Universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as the mandate to the Government to support and ... to identify the priority sectors where to launch the call for recruitment, ratified by the Board ... for recruitment, pursuant to the art. 18 section 1 of the Law n. 240/2010. CONTEST N. 1 ... Didactic Scientific sector subject of this recruitment procedures call; Max number of publications: 25
6. What is the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (52%)
30-mar-2023 11.38.14What is the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers articolo, notizia, unipa The European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers is an integral part of the European Charter for Researchers and consists of a set of general principles and requirements to ensure open, transparent and internationally comparable procedures for both recruitment and career advancement ('Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Researchers', OTM-R). ANNA MARIA CARDULLO
7. en_bando 26 posti associati art. 18_ c. 1-2019_en (50%)
9-lug-2019 14.32.05competitions, unique competitions and other forms of recruitment in the Public employment ... of Universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as the mandate to the Government to support ... to identify the priority sectors where to launch the call for recruitment, ratified by the Board ... for recruitment, pursuant to the art. 18 section 1 of the Law n. 240/2010. CONTEST N. 1 ... Didactic Scientific sector subject of this recruitment procedures call; Max number of publications
8. Recruitment per Consulenti IT (50%)
2-dic-2015 14.06.29Recruitment per Consulenti IT articolo, notizia, unipa, cot, placement, lavoro, scegliunipa Il prossimo 10 dicembre alle ore 10.00 presso l’Aula “Capitò” della Scuola Politecnica (v.le delle Scienze, Edificio 7) avrà luogo un Recruitment per laeveris italia s.p.a. everis, società di consulenza multinazionale presente in diversi paesi d'Europa, America Latina e Stati Uniti con un organico ... Placement scrivendo a placement.cot@unipa.it e indicando in oggetto “Recruitment everis”. GIUSEPPE
9. 2507_bando 22 posti ordinari art. 18_ c.1_en (44%)
2-lug-2021 8.45.02competitions, unique competitions and other forms of recruitment in the Public employment as emended and ... of Universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as the mandate to the Government to support and ... by the winners, equal to a maximum of 8 workforce planning, to be recruited by the call for recruitment ... Scientific sector subject of this recruitment procedures call. Teaching activities will concern all ... Scientific Sector subject of this recruitment procedures call. Max number of publications: 15
10. 1101_bando-rtdb_13_posti (en) (44%)
11-apr-2022 15.36.14HUMAN RESOURCES AREA Recruitment and Selection Sector THE RECTOR CONSIDERING the Law ... public competitions, single competitions and other forms of recruitment in public employment, and ... of 30.12.2010 on "Rules for the organisation of universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well ... /settorereclutamentoeselezioni HUMAN RESOURCES AREA Recruitment and Selection Sector CONSIDERING the Decree-Law ... for the recruitment of fixed-term researchers, issued by the University of Palermo with Rector's
11. Recruitment Everis (43%)
1-dic-2015 14.39.27Recruitment Everis L-41, LM-82, lavoro, Giovedì 10 dicembre 2015, ore 10:00, Aula Capitò (Edificio 7, viale delle Scienze) la Everis (NTT DATA Company) farà un incontro con gli studenti laureati e laureandi con formazione accademica tecnico-scientifica (laurea in Informatica/Ingegneria informatica/telecomunicazioni/gestionale/matematica, e Statistica), finalizzata al reclutamento di Consulenti ... a placemente.cot@unipa.it, incando in oggetto "Recruitment Everis". Qui la locandina
12. bando 22 posti ordinari art. 18_ c.1_en (43%)
15-set-2020 15.54.51competitions, unique competitions and other forms of recruitment in the Public employment as emended ... of Universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as the mandate to the Government to support and ... , to be recruited by the call for recruitment, pursuant to the art. 18 section 1 of the Law n. 240/2010 ... relating to the Italian Didactic Scientific sector subject of this recruitment procedures call ... Didactic Scientific sector subject of this recruitment procedures call. Max number
13. Incontro NTT DATA (42%)
14-nov-2016 18.44.24Incontro NTT DATA recruitment, orientamento, NTTDATA, Il 5 dicembre alle 14 presso l'aula 7 del Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica (Via Archirafi) ci sarà un incontro con l'azienda NTTData su "Recruitment e orientamento al lavoro". Maggiori dettagli sono disponibili al seguente link. MARCO LA CASCIA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/
14. Incontro NTT DATA (42%)
14-nov-2016 18.43.02Incontro NTT DATA recruitment, orientamento, NTTDATA Il 5 dicembre alle 14 presso l'aula 7 del Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica (Via Archirafi) ci sarà un incontro con l'azienda NTTData su "Recruitment e orientamento al lavoro". Maggiori dettagli sono disponibili al seguente link. MARCO LA CASCIA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/
15. bando 17 posti associati art. 18_ c. 1_en (41%)
14-set-2020 13.40.44competitions, unique competitions and other forms of recruitment in the Public employment ... of Universities, academic staff and recruitment, as well as the mandate to the Government to support ... , equal to a maximum of 3,5 workforce planning, to be recruited by the call for recruitment ... subject of this recruitment procedures call; Care commitment: A.O.U.P. "Paolo Giaccone" ... of this recruitment procedures call. Care commitment: at A.O.U.P. "Paolo Giaccone" General
16. otm_r_unipa_2022_final (40%)
27-mar-2023 14.39.46of the communication/presentation to all staff] Recruitment policies and working conditions for academic ... modifications (L. 29 June 2022). Recruitment of our OTM-R policy online (in the x x -/+ procedures ... Recruitment and for Transparent Procedures in Public Administration (D.Lgs 97/216). Unipa statutory provisions regulating recruitment are published online, only in Italian language, in the Unipa web-site ... for the Recruitment of Researchers (hereinafter “Charter & Code" Working Group or C&C
17. STUDENTI/AIESEC Palermo Recruitment 2012 (39%)
8-mar-2013 13.51.49STUDENTI/AIESEC Palermo Recruitment 2012 unipa, portale, universita E’ questo il nuovo motto usato da AIESEC Palermo per questo periodo di recruitment. AIESEC, la più grande organizzazione internazionale di studenti universitari che vogliono crescere personalmente e professionalmente - riapre le selezioni per tutti i giovani interessati ad avere un'esperienza di team nel corso del proprio percorso accademico in un ambiente internazionale. Nelle 16 sedi locali AIESEC offre a tutti gli studenti
18. BigDataAnalyticsAnassessmentofdemandforlabourandskills2012-2017 (38%)
9-nov-2016 11.53.32/projected demand for big data skills based on a) an analysis of recruitment advertising data and b ... associated recruitment sites and/or portals – this is once again due in part to the rec- ognition ... demand data for this recruitment sector. It is also our belief that the majority of positions ... the IT recruitment space was undertaken and a value judgement made as to the likelihood that the positions ... aspect of the IT recruitment market for at least five years albeit at levels well below those
19. hrs4rguide-process16-2-2016_strengthened_2016 (38%)
19-set-2024 9.19.00the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment ... the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers ... for progress/quality, recruitment policy, embedding etc.) that might have been strengthened ... as the institution’s homepage, recruitment portal and/or research office page. The action plan should be clearly ... of the institution’s recruitment policy (OTM-R meaning ‘open, transparent and merit-based recruitment
20. bando2932_annex1_pa 18 c 1 profili - en (37%)
21-lug-2022 10.33.44.) PRIORITY I Academic Recruitment Field: 06/D6 – Neurology Academic Discipline: MED/26 – Neurology ... ) PRIORITY II Academic Recruitment Field: 06/G1 – Pediatrics and Child Neuropsychiatry Academic ... DIAGNOSTICS (BI.N.D.) PRIORITY III Academic Recruitment Field: 06/F2 – Ophthalmology Academic ... MEDICAL SPECIALTIES (PROMISE) PRIORITY IV Academic Recruitment Field: 06/M1 – Hygiene, public ... DIAGNOSTICS (BI.N.D.) PRIORITY V Academic Recruitment Field: 06/I1 – Imaging, radiotherapy and