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  • 1. Our Courses (100%)

    12-feb-2018 20.58.40

    Our Courses courses, italian, language The School organizes intensive and semi-intensive courses ... level of the Common European Framework): - Intensive courses provide 4 hours a day in 5 days a week. They usually last 2 weeks and the lessons are in the morning (09.30/13.30). - Semi-intensive courses ... : semi-intensive courses Winter School - February - March intensive courses March - April: semi-intensive courses April - May: semi-intensive courses May -June: semi - intensive courses Summer School

  • 2. Dates and prices- Courses (100%)

    7-mar-2018 15.13.16

    Dates and prices- Courses prices, date, courses, italian TIPOLOGY DURATION H PERIOD PRICES Ordinary courses Semi - intensive 4/5 weeks 2/3 lessons a week Afternoon or morning lessons 3/4 hours ... or 4 weeks Intensive or semi - intensive courses (see above) 40 Ask to the School First free course ... - intensive courses (see above) 40 Ask to the School 100 € Courses for Cils certification One month 1 lesson a week 12 May - Novembrer 100 € UniPa Students Intensive or semi - intensive courses (see

  • 3. Circolare2017_2018En (94%)

    16-ott-2017 13.51.11

    /international students for higher education courses in Italy during the 2017-2018 academic year ... education courses of study is the exclusive jurisdiction of higher education institutions, as established ... foreign qualifications for access to courses. Jurisdiction for the issuance of a visa ... referring to the single candidates for courses in the process of requesting visas is to be considered ... of 31 May, 1995). To enrol in courses it is necessary to be at least 17 years’ old at the moment

  • 4. University professional courses of first and second level (69%)

    23-set-2016 9.29.24

    University professional courses of first and second level University professional courses, I, II, Level A.A. 2015/2016 University professional courses of first level TITLE COORDINATOR STRUTTURA ... OF PARTECIPANTS Hospitality Management Food & Beverage University professional courses in cooperation ... e Statistiche I 1 60 30 10 University professional courses of second level TITLE COORDINATOR STRUTTURA ... OF PARTICIPANTS Architettura Islamica nelle Città del Mediterraneo University professional courses

  • 5. Courses (56%)

    13-mag-2013 13.40.00

    Courses unipa, portale, universita General information The school offers the following courses: Residential course Summer school: intensive courses (Monday – Friday, 4 hours a day, 2 weeks) from June to August Winter school: intensive courses (Monday – Friday, 4 hours a day, 2 weeks) February. Courses for Erasmus students Intensive and semi-intensive courses from September to February Ordinary courses Intensive and/or semi-intensive courses all the year ‘Standard language and Culture’ program

  • 6. brochure-summer-school-2016_english-version (50%)

    6-ott-2017 12.46.41

    over the world. Studying Italian in the Summer School of ItaStra Intensive courses at the Summer School ... Italian as a second and foreign language. Courses run from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 ... courses at the University of Palermo. 2 ... School 2016 COURSES THE WORKSHOPS OF “ITALIAN & ETC…”* Standard Language and Culture Courses ... important aspects of italian culture. Levels: from Beginner to Advanced These training courses are intended

  • 7. annex_1 (44%)

    8-lug-2022 9.41.05

    - The didactic commitment required includes the coverage of type of educational and courses of the SSD ... / or Master's Degree courses, and the performance of other didactic activities related to the SSD LFIL ... . The discipline, object of this comparative evaluation, is foreseen in particular for the study courses ... - The didactic commitment required foresees the coverage of type of educational and courses of the SSD ... the Bachelor's and / or Master's Degree courses, and the carrying out of other didactic activities

  • 8. 102 english version bando 2022 (42%)

    17-gen-2023 9.27.47

    , of second-level masters courses, post-graduate specialization courses obtained both in Italy and ... level University master courses, post- graduate specialization courses obtained both in Italy and ... courses, university master courses, PhD courses with scholarship or medical graduate schools, in Italy ... courses. Self-employment and occasional collaboration activities are compatible ... -level masters courses, post-graduate specialization courses obtained both in Italy and abroad

  • 9. winter school 2015 palermo - english version (42%)

    21-nov-2014 11.02.41

    Students of the Winter School will be gastronomic tradition that brings Our intensive courses last 40 hours. There are courses for every level of the Common accompanied by professors and tutors together ... with the “Summer School” in the menu of the courses to find out all the activities of the new cultural and social ... on the “Summer School 2015”. 16th of February and it will end on the The School has courses of Italian language 13th of March. The courses are divided in and culture during the whole year with two

  • 10. Winter School - English version (42%)

    28-nov-2014 12.24.46

    Winter School - English version winter, school, courses, italian, language WINTER SCHOOL 2015 ... 2015 Our intensive courses last 40 hours. There are courses for every level of the Common European ... of February and it will end on the 13th of March. The courses are divided in two modules ... ”. The School has courses of Italian language and culture during the whole year with different intensities: semi-intensive courses for a total number of 40 hours in 4 weeks and intensive courses

  • 11. Ordinary Courses (37%)

    13-mag-2013 13.40.00

    Ordinary Courses unipa, portale, universita The school organizes intensive and semi-intensive courses for adult students of any nationality and competence level of Italian (from elementary to advanced level of the Common European Framework): Intensive courses provides 4 hours a day in 5 days a week. They usually last 4 weeks. Semi-intensive courses provides 3 hours a day in 3 days a week. They ... achieved are quoted. Dates and costs Semi-intensive courses * 11 March, 8 April, 6 May 9 hours

  • 12. Erasmus courses (37%)

    16-ott-2024 15.25.07

    Erasmus courses articolo, notizia, unipa Corsi ERASMUS semi intensivi 2025 CLASSES ARE IN PRESENCE ... , in the afternoon Scadenza invio test Deadline 02/11/2025 ERASMUS COURSES 2024 4 March – 5 April (placement test ... administration department). The payments are possible only through bank or post transfer. PROGRAMME OF COURSES ... COURSES & ERASMUS MUNDUS The registration and attendance procedure is the same as the Erasmus Programme one. N.B. This webpage is dedicated to Italian language courses. For any information

  • 13. . (36%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.47

    . Summer School, Italian courses, unipa Intensive italian courses Palermo: a town where you can travel, a town where you can study At the center of the Mediterranean Sea there is an island that has ... School of ItaStra Intensive courses of the Summer School of Italian Language School for Foreigners ... ) and are led by teachers specialized in teaching Italian as a second and foreign language. Courses ... the courses of the University of Palermo. INFO For further information, please visit the our website

  • 14. Summer School (36%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.37

    Summer School Summer School, intensive italian courses, unipa Intensive italian courses Palermo: a town where you can travel, a town where you can study At the center of the Mediterranean Sea there ... Italian in the Summer School of ItaStra Intensive courses of the Summer School of Italian Language ... foreign language. Courses run from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00. This year you plan your own ... students attending the courses of the University of Palermo. INFO For further information, please

  • 15. Summer School (36%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.41

    Summer School News, Summer school, italian courses, unipa Intensive italian courses Palermo: a town where you can travel, a town where you can study At the center of the Mediterranean Sea there ... in the Summer School of ItaStra Intensive courses of the Summer School of Italian Language School ... language. Courses run from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00. This year you plan your own Summer ... students attending the courses of the University of Palermo. INFO For further information, please visit

  • 16. Staff Training Week Courses in Barcelona. ENGLISH/SPANISH/ICT/CLIL (36%)

    17-feb-2023 13.53.06

    Staff Training Week Courses in Barcelona. ENGLISH/SPANISH/ICT/CLIL articolo, notizia, unipa "Staff Training Week Courses: English, Spanish, ICT, CLIL" organized by SpainBcn-Programs ... , included as part of the package. The English courses usually take place in the iconic neighborhood of Barceloneta (Barcelona beach area) and the Spanish, ICT and CLIL courses usually take place in the picturesque neighborhood of Gracia. Dates for ENGLISH Courses first semester of 2023 March 6-10, 27

  • 17. BRIDGE HANDBOOK (35%)

    8-mar-2013 17.33.52

    of courses so attention should be given to check which ones have credits/recognitions and which ones do not ... that not all courses organised by recognised Accreditedinstitution institutions have this feature, or that some unrecognised institutions can doesn't mean arrange accredited courses. (1.3.2). accredited course Although there are numerous examples of accreditation of courses at a supranational level, these ... Nature of a qualification Not all courses of study pursue the same purpose: some prepare students

  • 18. Corsi Intensivi / Intensive courses: WINTER SCHOOL (35%)

    8-mag-2021 19.24.43

    changes! The innovative ItaStra didactics offers courses for each level and advanced grammar courses and sociolinguistics of contemporary Italy. In February we will go on with synchronous-mode courses. The main courses we provide you are intensive courses of 2 WEEKS for a total of 36 hours: February 15th ... (that will attend the student for the duration of the courses); - Assistance to the Student (reception ... ) --> €50. Winter school courses + 1 workshop: 36 hour course (€180) + 9 hour workshop (€50) ->

  • 19. Italian Courses for Erasmus Students (35%)

    28-apr-2020 7.30.45

    Italian Courses for Foreign Erasmus students articolo, notizia, unipa To foster the integration of foreign incoming students, the University of Palermo set-up courses in italian for foreign Erasmus ... of Palermo). The School organizes Italian language courses for Erasmus students. The first course ... and confirmation of classes: after a few days. The number of courses activated for each level varies ... for the next courses. GIORGIO MANNINA Fees and payment articolo, notizia, unipa Costs and payment

  • 20. Erasmus Courses (34%)

    13-mag-2013 13.40.00

    Erasmus Courses unipa, portale, universita The school organizes Italian language courses for Erasmus students. At the beginning of the course Students have to do a placement test in order ... (100 €) - from the third course (36 hours) on:100 € a course - Who wants to attend 3 courses at least: 50 € enrolment + 200 € for the courses - Winter and Summer school prices will be agreed upon ... - 120 hours totally free - The next courses: 100 € for each course. - Summer and Winter school