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  • 1. Clinical laboratory medicine in the third millennium: challenges and opportunities (100%)

    12-dic-2024 13.23.55

    Centro Ettore Majorana - Erice (TP) articolo, notizia, unipa, clinical laboratory medicine, medicina Lunedì 16 e martedì 17 dicembre al Centro Ettore Majorana di Erice (TP) si tiene il corso sul tema "Clinical laboratory medicine in the third millennium: challenges and opportunities" ... Medicine and Laboratory Medicine". Per maggiori info consulta il programma Clinical laboratory medicine in the third millennium: challenges and opportunities FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale

  • 2. Clinical laboratory medicine in the era of precision medicine (45%)

    5-giu-2023 15.17.27

    Erice, Trapani articolo, notizia, unipa, medicina Lunedì 12 e martedì 13 giugno al Centro Ettore Majorana di Erice (TP) si tiene il corso sul tema "Clinical laboratory medicine in the era of precision medicine", con la responsabilità scientifica dei proff. Marcello Ciaccio, Mario Plebani ... ;International School of Precision Medicine and Laboratory Medicine". Visualizza il programma Clinical laboratory medicine in the era of precision medicine FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb/.content


    2-dic-2024 11.56.22

    Corso: CLINICAL LABORATORY MEDICINE IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES articolo, notizia, unipa Si comunica che il 16 e 17 Dicembre 2024 si terrà presso ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE il "3th Course CLINICAL LABORATORY MEDICINE IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES". E' previsto il riconoscimento di 2 CFU tipologia F. Si allega la Locandina dell'Evento DARIO LA SALA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/


    2-dic-2024 11.56.22

    Corso: CLINICAL LABORATORY MEDICINE IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES articolo, notizia, unipa Si comunica che il 16 e 17 Dicembre 2024 si terrà presso ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE il "3th Course CLINICAL LABORATORY MEDICINE IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES". E' previsto il riconoscimento di 2 CFU tipologia F. Si allega la Locandina dell'Evento DARIO LA SALA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 5. Il Prof. Antonio Russo alla terza edizione del corso "Clinical laboratory medicine in the third millennium: challenges and opportunities" (39%)

    16-dic-2024 20.43.22

    Il Prof. Antonio Russo alla terza edizione del corso "Clinical laboratory medicine in the third millennium: challenges and opportunities" articolo, notizia, unipa, TERZA MISSIONE, meprecc, tm news, Il Prof. Antonio Russo (Ordinario in MEDS-09/A), parteciperà alla tavola rotonda all'interno del corso "Clinical laboratory medicine in the third millennium: challenges and opportunities" che si terrà al Centro Ettore Majorana di Erice il 16 e 17 dicembre. L'iniziativa è

  • 6. Programma Erice16-17dicembre2024 (22%)

    2-dic-2024 11.44.49

    International School of Precision Medicine and Laboratory Medicine Directors: Prof. Marcello Ciaccio, Prof. Francesco Salvatore 3th Course CLINICAL LABORATORY MEDICINE IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM ... . The purpose of the Course is to discuss the critical role of Clinical Laboratory Medicine in the Third ... The future of Clinical Laboratory Medicine in the healthcare and clinical research of the third ... Salvatore (Naples) Chair: Mario Plebani (Padua) Harmonization in Clinical Laboratory Medicine

  • 7. Programma_Clinical laboratory medicine in the third millennium (22%)

    12-dic-2024 13.22.36

    Ciaccio, Prof. Francesco Salvatore 3th Course CLINICAL LABORATORY MEDICINE IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM ... . The purpose of the Course is to discuss the critical role of Clinical Laboratory Medicine in the Third ... 16:45 Round Table The future of Clinical Laboratory Medicine in the healthcare and clinical ... Prevention Francesco Salvatore (Naples) Chair: Mario Plebani (Padua) Harmonization in Clinical Laboratory Medicine: current and future strategies Chair: Tommaso Trenti (Modena), Antonio

  • 8. Programma_Clinical-laboratory-medicine-in-the-third-millennium (22%)

    16-dic-2024 20.42.35

    Ciaccio, Prof. Francesco Salvatore 3th Course CLINICAL LABORATORY MEDICINE IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM ... . The purpose of the Course is to discuss the critical role of Clinical Laboratory Medicine in the Third ... 16:45 Round Table The future of Clinical Laboratory Medicine in the healthcare and clinical ... Prevention Francesco Salvatore (Naples) Chair: Mario Plebani (Padua) Harmonization in Clinical Laboratory Medicine: current and future strategies Chair: Tommaso Trenti (Modena), Antonio

  • 9. Medicina di Precisione in Area Medica, Chirurgica e Critica (15%)

    9-feb-2025 18.11.44

    CAMMARATA Il Prof. Antonio Russo alla terza edizione del corso "Clinical laboratory medicine ... all'interno del corso "Clinical laboratory medicine in the third millennium: challenges and

  • 10. Programma_Clinical laboratory medicine in the era of precision medicine (11%)

    5-giu-2023 14.58.13

    International School of Precision Medicine and Laboratory Medicine Directors of the School: Prof. Marcello Ciaccio, Prof. Francesco Salvatore 1th Course CLINICAL LABORATORY MEDICINE IN THE ERA OF PRECISION MEDICINE Directors of the Course Prof. Marcello Ciaccio, Prof. Mario Plebani, Prof. Francesco Salvatore ERICE - TRAPANI - SICILY 12-13 June 2023 PURPOSE OF THE COURSE Laboratory Medicine has a pivotal role in Clinical Medicine, from screening to diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring

  • 11. verbale consiglio scuola medicina 03 ottobre 2023 (9%)

    14-giu-2024 10.17.39

    ) 1thCourse Clinical Laboratory Medicine in the Era of Precision Medicine – Erice 12 e 13 Giugno