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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. CEAR-03/B – Transportation (100%)

    25-nov-2024 17.15.36

    CEAR-03/B – Transportation Engineering, Transportation, Research Description The Transport Research Group (TRG) of the Department of Engineering of the University of Palermo is interested in the scientific and teaching activity in the Transportation field, with particular respect to: people and goods mobility and logistics; efficiency analysis of the transport systems’ components to improve their ... road users. Keywords Transportation, Freight Transport, Microsimulation, Transport Demand and Supply

  • 2. ICAR05 - Transportation - Description (93%)

    18-giu-2015 16.43.13

    ICAR05 - Transportation - Description ICAR05, Transportation, Description The Transport Research Group is interested in the scientific and teaching activity in the Transportation field, with particular respect to: people and goods mobility and logistics; efficiency analysis of the transport systems’ components to improve their integration; methods and models for simulating the demand for transport, the transport supply, the demand-supply interaction, the related effects on the economy

  • 3. ICAR05 - Transportation - People (93%)

    18-giu-2015 16.59.11

    ICAR05 - Transportation - People ICAR05, Transportation, People The Transportation Workgroup of DICAM is composed as follows: Faculty Members Prof. Salvatore Amoroso - Full Professor Prof. Marco Migliore - Associate Professor Prof. Giuseppe Salvo - Associate professor Fellows and PhD Students Ing. Manlio Di Giovanna XXVI Ciclo Ing. Alessandro Scordo XXVI Ciclo ELISA OLIVERI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 4. ICAR05 - Transportation - Academic programs (88%)

    18-giu-2015 17.30.23

    ICAR05 - Transportation - Academic programs ICAR05, Transportation, Academic programs Prof. Salvatore Amoroso Traffic Engineering and Operations – Civil Engineering degree course Prof. Marco Migliore System Transport Theory - – Civil Engineering degree course Prof. Giuseppe Salvo Transportation Technique and Economics – Civil Engineering degree course ELISA OLIVERI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 5. ICAR05 - Transportation - Laboratory (84%)

    5-nov-2015 17.18.17

    ICAR05 - Transportation - Laboratory ICAR05, Transportation, Laboratory SMAART Laboratory (Sustainable Mobility/Accident Analysis/Research&Training) The RESET project, realized by the funding program POR FESR Sicilia 2007-2013 (Asse IV, Obiettivo 4.1.2), made possible the birth of the SMAART Laboratory (Sustainable Mobility/Accident Analysis/Research & Training), managed by the “Transport Research Group” of DICAM. The SMAART Laboratory, which is part of the laboratories

  • 6. ICAR05 - Transportation - Research (84%)

    18-giu-2015 17.09.06

    ICAR05 - Transportation - Research ICAR05, Transportation, Research Research projects Identification of models related to the management of the operating process on the freight transport for both road and intermodal transport, aiming to the identification of info mobility systems. Transport Network Assignment and interaction between Transport Demand and Supply. O/D Matrix estimation. Transport Demand Modelling. Stated Preference Survey. Network Design. Decision Support System. Research projects

  • 7. Icar05 - Transportation - Services (84%)

    18-giu-2015 17.40.17

    Icar05 - Transportation - Services Icar05, Transportation, Services Transport systems’ planning Urban public transport system renovation Actions on public transport / road traffic and parking management ELISA OLIVERI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/


    14-dic-2020 14.59.55

    Scadenza iscrizioni XIX EDIZIONE DEL MASTER DI II LIVELLO IN "SPACE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS" (STS) articolo, notizia, unipa, master, scadenza iscrizioni, space transportation systems Si trasmette in allegato il materiale informativo sul Master STS. Le domande di ammissione al Master Universitario di Secondo Livello in "Space Transportation Systems: launchers and re-entry vehicles" (STS) a.a. 2020-2021 scadono il prossimo 15 gennaio 2021. Gli allievi devono avere già

  • 9. nocera_silvio nocera cv (68%)

    26-mag-2022 11.14.35

    extensive, spanning the economic evaluation of transport systems, the external costs of transportation ... advisory boards of Elsevier journals Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Case Studies on Transport Policy, on the editorial board of Bentham The Open Transportation Journal, and on the editorial boards of MDPI journals Sustainability and Future Transportation. Silvio’s ... of Transportation Engineering (w/tenure) (October 2010 – May 2016) • Lecturer (March 2007 - September 2010

  • 10. cv_ottomanelli (63%)

    16-feb-2021 15.40.58

    del Laboratorio TRAMP – Transportation and Mobility Planning Lab (sede di Bari e Taranto) dal 2013 ... of the EURO Working Group on Transportation nel 1999. Nel biennio 2001-2003 è stato borsista post ... il laboratorio didattico-scientifico di Pianificazione dei Trasporti e Mobilità (TRAMP Lab - TRAnsportation ... . Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 125, 184-206. Impact Factor: 3.026 3 ... network design model for inclusive and equitable transport policies. Transportation Research Procedia

  • 11. ricci_cv_stefanoricci_2021_10 (53%)

    26-mag-2022 11.14.35

    dei Docenti di Trasporti (SIDT) dal 1991 Member of World Conference on Transportation Research Membro della World Conference on Transportation Society (WCTRS) since 1992 Research Society (WCTRS ... of Transportation Science and Economy for the Docente di Tecnica ed Economia dei Trasporti per i Bachelor ... of Environmental Impacts of Transportation 2019: Docente di Environmental Impacts of Transportation in the module ... on International Case Studies in Transportation at nell’ambito del Master in International Case Studies

  • 12. Practicalities (50%)

    21-set-2015 21.48.02

    Practicalities Conference venue, transportation, staying. Conference venue. Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri is located in Piazza Marina, 61, at the core of the old city centre of Palermo, very close to hotels, restaurants, and to many of the main historical places of the city, such as the Cathedral and ... 091 586351 or + 39 091 580457) is a transportation company connecting the Airport with Palermo Central ... Transportation in Palermo: AMAT is the bus public company of the city of Palermo. Details about trips and

  • 13. Transportation (49%)

    25-gen-2014 12.10.01

    Transportation Section Tranportation, Research, DICAM, TRANSPORTATION SECTION ELISA OLIVERI

  • 14. Master in Satelliti e Master in Space Transportation Systems (Università della Sapienza, 2020/2021) (47%)

    6-gen-2021 12.24.44

    Master in Satelliti e Master in Space Transportation Systems (Università della Sapienza, 2020/2021 ... corsi di Master in Satelliti e di Master in Space Transportation Systems della Sapienza per l'aa 2020/21 ... Master II livello in Space Transportation Systems: Launchers and Re-entry Vehicles Brochure Master in Space Transportation Systems: Launchers and Re-entry Vehicles Piano Formativo Master in Space Transportation Systems MARCO GRIFO' /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 15. Transportation (43%)

    4-feb-2014 9.32.23

  • 16. Transportation Section (40%)

    16-giu-2015 17.22.47

    Transportation Section Transport planning, Intelligent Transport System (ITS), Urban mobility, Sustainable mobility, Freight Transport, Tranportation, Research, DICAM, The Transport Research Group focus its research on the fields of transportation planning, urban mobility and logistics, by conducting projects and initiatives aiming to the optimization of the whole transport system at different scales, either through infrastructural and management operations. The activities are carried out

  • 17. GRANA_OK (40%)

    23-set-2022 11.58.18

    of Advanced Transportation (ISSN 01976729), Hindawi. Special Gennaio 2022 Issue: “Road Traffic ... Environment. Transportation and Transit Ottobre 2021 Systems - Edited Research Topic: “The Smart Road ... il 23 Novembre 2022). Guest Editor - Journal of Advanced Transportation (ISSN 01976729), Hindawi ... ". Special Issue: "New Perspectives and Challenges in Traffic and Transportation ... : “Sustainable Transportation”: Special Issue “Road Traffic Engineering and Sustainable

  • 18. cv ferrara (37%)

    16-gen-2018 13.49.07

    Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS 2018 to be held in Savona, Italy, and ... and member of the IFAC Technical Committee on Transportation Systems. She was appointed member ... on Transportation Systems (Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti, Sottoprogetto 3 “Sistemi Telematici di Supporto ... , systems control, signal processing” (1994-1996). 4 ▪ National Project on Transportation Systems ... , December 2019. ▪ Editor of the IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS 2018

  • 19. cv prof. montemanni (36%)

    1-giu-2022 10.13.31

    applications to real problems in telecommunication and transportation. (CHF 171 000) Project leader and ... problems in telecommunication and transportation. (CHF 152 000) Project leader and principal ... system based on exact and heuristic algorithms for optimization problems arising in transportation ... transportation models with GIS features”. Jan 2017- Feb 2017 Coordinator Research visit of Dr. Valeria ... in Logistics ICITT 2019, The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation