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1. PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Conference (100%)
17-dic-2019 10.52.51PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Conference accoglienza, rifugiati, violenza di prossimità, EU, Provide Project, Culture e Società, Unipa Martedì 17 e mercoledì 18 dicembre, presso l'Aula 12 dell'Edificio 19 (Campus, viale delle Scienze), si svolgerà il convegno finale del Progetto PROVIDE | PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity. Il progetto, finanziato dall'Unione Europea attraverso la misura Justice Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020
2. PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting (96%)
23-giu-2020 13.28.57PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting accoglienza, rifugiati, violenza di prossimità, EU, Provide Project, Futuro Plurale, Culture e Società, Unipa Martedì 17 e mercoledì 18 dicembre, presso l'Aula 12 dell'Edificio 19 (Campus, viale delle Scienze), si svolgerà il convegno finale del Progetto PROVIDE | PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity. Il progetto, finanziato dall'Unione Europea attraverso la misura Justice Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
3. PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting (96%)
23-giu-2020 13.28.57PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting accoglienza, rifugiati, violenza di prossimità, EU, Provide Project, Futuro Plurale, Culture e Società, Unipa Martedì 17 e mercoledì 18 dicembre, presso l'Aula 12 dell'Edificio 19 (Campus, viale delle Scienze), si svolgerà il convegno finale del Progetto PROVIDE | PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity. Il progetto, finanziato dall'Unione Europea attraverso la misura Justice Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
4. PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting (96%)
23-giu-2020 13.28.57PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting accoglienza, rifugiati, violenza di prossimità, EU, Provide Project, Futuro Plurale, Culture e Società, Unipa Martedì 17 e mercoledì 18 dicembre, presso l'Aula 12 dell'Edificio 19 (Campus, viale delle Scienze), si svolgerà il convegno finale del Progetto PROVIDE | PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity. Il progetto, finanziato dall'Unione Europea attraverso la misura Justice Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
5. PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting (91%)
23-giu-2020 13.28.57PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting accoglienza, rifugiati, violenza di prossimità, EU, Provide Project, Futuro Plurale, Culture e Società, Unipa Martedì 17 e mercoledì 18 dicembre, presso l'Aula 12 dell'Edificio 19 (Campus, viale delle Scienze), si svolgerà il convegno finale del Progetto PROVIDE | PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity. Il progetto, finanziato dall'Unione Europea attraverso la misura Justice Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
6. PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting (91%)
23-giu-2020 13.28.57PRoximity On VIolence Defence and Equity | PROVIDE Project Final Meeting accoglienza, rifugiati, violenza di prossimità, EU, Provide Project, Futuro Plurale, Culture e Società, Unipa Martedì 17 e mercoledì 18 dicembre, presso l'Aula 12 dell'Edificio 19 (Campus, viale delle Scienze), si svolgerà il convegno finale del Progetto PROVIDE | PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity. Il progetto, finanziato dall'Unione Europea attraverso la misura Justice Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
7. Presentation of Provide Project at SPE conference (54%)
27-lug-2018 15.34.40Presentation of Provide Project at SPE conference articolo, notizia, unipa The last 22th Jun, Ignazia Bartholini, on invitation of Italian National Board of SPE, has presented the Provide Project as one of best practices of Italian research at yearly SPE CONFERENCE of Pontignano (Siena). >locandina< MARCO CANNELLA The last 22th Jun, Ignazia Bartholini, on invitation of Italian National Board of SPE, has presented the Provide Project as one of best practices of Italian research at yearly
8. Provide Project (54%)
9-ott-2018 10.19.24Provide Project articolo, notizia, unipa Si parla del nostro Progetto sul Corriere della Sera on line. Questo il link all'articolo uscito oggi: https://www.corriere.it/cronache/18_ottobre_08/progetto-provide-immigrazione-violenza-di-prossimita-transito-b7ed89f6-c719-11e8-8ba5-9eaeeac74b23.shtml MARCO CANNELLA News about our Provide Project on "Corriere della Sera" >link<
9. PROVIDE Project - PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity (52%)
1-mar-2024 10.45.25PROVIDE Project - PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity articolo, notizia, unipa, progetti 2017-2019 – Principal Investigator of PROVIDE Project: PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity (European Project number 400000 776957) JUST.2015.RDAP.AG.MULT (TOPIC: REC-RDAP-VICT-AG-2016) IGNAZIA MARIA BARTHOLINI 2017-2019 – Principal Investigator of PROVIDE Project: PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity (European Project number 400000 776957) JUST.2015.RDAP.AG.MULT (TOPIC: REC-RDAP-VICT-AG
10. Third meeting of PROVIDE project (49%)
12-feb-2019 17.45.55Third meeting of PROVIDE project articolo, notizia, unipa The third meeting of the PROVIDE project will take place in Trapani (Sicily, Italy) on February 19th and on February 20th, at the "Centro Polifunzionale" of Contrada Cipponeri. >Invitation< >logistic indications< MARCO CANNELLA
11. "Conference press of Provide Project" in Milan (47%)
13-nov-2018 15.41.56"Conference press of Provide Project" in Milan articolo, notizia, unipa "Conference press of Provide Project" in Milan >allegato (ENG)< >allegato (ITA)< MARCO CANNELLA
12. Second Meeting of Provide Project (40%)
12-feb-2019 17.47.42Second Meeting of Provide Project articolo, notizia, unipa Jaén, 6 September: 10.00 am - 6 pm Jaén, 7 September: 9.00 am - 2.00 pm >AGENDA of second meeting of PROVIDE< MARCO CANNELLA Jaén, 6 September: 10.00 am - 06.00 pm Jaén, 7 September: 09.00 am - 02.00 pm >AGENDA of second meeting of PROVIDE<
13. Provide Project in Paris (40%)
13-nov-2018 15.38.39Provide Project in Paris articolo, notizia, unipa, provide Conferce press (ENG) Infoday (ENG) Conferce press (FRA) Infoday (FRA) Conferce press (ITA) Infoday (ITA) MARCO CANNELLA
14. Kick-off Meeting of Provide Project (38%)
27-lug-2018 13.12.40Kick-off Meeting of Provide Project articolo, notizia, unipa Tuesday 6th March: 10,15 am - 15,00 pm - Room "Gipsoteca" - Building 15, eighth floor >invitation< >agenda< >report consortium< MARCO CANNELLA Tuesday 6th March: 10,15 am - 15,00 pm Room "Gipsoteca" - Building 15, eighth floor >invitation< >agenda< >report consortium<
15. Second newsletter (35%)
12-feb-2019 17.41.34Day in Trapani: first presentation of PROVIDE project Parallel to the research work of the project, all PROVIDE groups have made an effort to make the PROVIDE project known to the population ... the Open Day were illustrated the objectives of the PROVIDE project, the The research was carried ... as part of the next assistance to victims of gender violence phase of the PROVIDE project. and ... (scientific leader of l'Europe in Paris, on this occasion PROVIDE project) then took the floor
16. provide-Second newsletter (35%)
13-dic-2019 12.05.20Day in Trapani: first presentation of PROVIDE project Parallel to the research work of the project, all PROVIDE groups have made an effort to make the PROVIDE project known to the population ... the Open Day were illustrated the objectives of the PROVIDE project, the The research was carried ... as part of the next assistance to victims of gender violence phase of the PROVIDE project. and ... (scientific leader of l'Europe in Paris, on this occasion PROVIDE project) then took the floor
17. provide-newsletter 4 english (25%)
16-dic-2019 12.39.52you participated in, as part of the PROVIDE project when you contributed to 15.6 Increase your ... The last phase of PROVIDE project regards mainly the dissemination of the project. In September ... the Provide project to several International Congresses. In the International Congress European ... discussed the Provide project The “Europa Researchers’s Night”, on and its main findings regarding ... The PROVIDE project was selected to be also present at VIII Congreso showcase the highlight impact
18. Summary_infoday-Jaen (25%)
5-dic-2018 12.59.24INFODAY REPORT PROVIDE PROJECT Proximity On Violence Defence ... of people with the exhibition of the PROVIDE project, summarizing the work done up to now, and taking ... the PROVIDE project to the citizenship of Jaén and the rest of Andalusia. It is explained ... process and attention to the refugee population. The PROVIDE project seeks to guarantee the access ... Sanitaria Alto Guadalquivir in Andújar (Jaén), consists in making known the European research PROVIDE
19. conference press Milano 18-9-18 (EN) (22%)
1-ott-2018 12.18.54On September 18th 2018 from 11.00 to 13.00 the Conference Press was held in Milan for the launch of the PROVIDE project. The conference, organized by the ISMU Foundation (project partner ... leader of Provide Project) then took the floor explaining the genesis of the Provide project and the supporting theory on which it is built: The Proximity Violence. Lia Lombardi (PROVIDE Project manager
20. press release open day Trapani (22%)
19-feb-2019 15.17.54PRESS RELEASE OPEN DAY FOR PROVIDE: PROJECT ON PROXIMITY VIOLENCE PRESENTED The social cooperative Badia Grande has organized the Open Day on the PROVIDE project (PRoximity On Violence: Defense and Equity) to inform citizens about the impact on the territory of its activities, related to the identification of good support practices and assistance to victims of proximity violence ... at the University of Palermo is the coordinator of the PROVIDE Project which involves Palermo, Trapani, Agrigento