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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. oecd principles (100%)

    10-ott-2017 15.36.55

    OECD Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding P r i n c i p ... o n n é e s d e l a r e c h e r c h e f i n a n c é e s u r f o n d s p u b l i c s OECD ... The OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 30 democracies work together to address the economic, social and environmental challenges of globalisation. The OECD is also at the forefront ... , identify good practice and work to co-ordinate domestic and international policies. The OECD member

  • 2. oecd (31%)

    21-mar-2020 13.41.43

  • 3. BIBLIOINFORMA / Pubblicate 11 brochure della collana InFormaRisorse ed InFormaServizi (28%)

    9-ott-2014 9.14.41

    BIBLIOINFORMA / Pubblicate 11 brochure della collana InFormaRisorse ed InFormaServizi InFormaRisorse, biblioteca digitale, OECD, OECD iLibrary, SciFinder Sono state pubblicate, a cura del Settore Biblioteca Digitale, 11 brochure delle collane InFormaRisorse ed InFormaServizi. La pubblicazione delle brochure avviene nell'ambito della realizzazione di BIBLIOinFORMA, un programma per la comunicazione e promozione dei servizi bibliotecari di Ateneo con l’obiettivo principale di collegare

  • 4. OECDiLibrary (27%)

    2-nov-2020 17.10.23

    OECDiLibrary biblioteca digitale, ebooks, oecdilibrary, oecd, Archivio disponibile fino al 2015 Le biblioteche dell'Università offrono ai propri utenti l'accesso all'archivio degli eBook di OECDiLibrary, fino all'anno di pubblicazione 2015. La banca dati della OECD/OCSE (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), il cui compito è promuovere adeguate linee politiche per migliorare il benessere sul piano economico e sociale dei popoli di tutto il mondo, è composta da collezioni

  • 5. Competitiveness and Smart Specialisation Strategies (20%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.37

    education organizations in Italy spend less in R&D compared to the OECD average (2008). OECD: HERD (Higher education expenditure on R&D) as a percentage of GDP, 2008. In particular, business and industry funded only 1.3% of the Italian university R&D in 2007 compared to an OECD average of 6.5% (OECD 2011). The main result is the lack of competitiveness of the Italian ... France (OECD, 2010). Net emigration of highly skilled individuals is also considerable. Furthermore

  • 6. cv prof. ambrosini (16%)

    31-mag-2022 12.01.28

    in BWR reactors promoted by the OECD-CSNI and developed by an international team: in particular

  • 7. Public Debt Management Conference (16%)

    17-set-2019 10.05.00

    o indicare link/download Public Debt Management Conference September 4-5, 2019 OECD ... Registration starts OECD Conference Centre: 2, rue André Pascal, 75016 Paris, France. 09:15 Word from the Organization Committee, Fatos Koc, OECD 09:30 Opening remarks: Masamichi Kono, Deputy Secretary General, OECD 10:10 Keynote address: Prof. Pier Carlo Padoan, Member of the Chamber ... Moderator – Fatos Koc, OECD 14:00 Linking policy to outcomes: a simple framework for debt maturity

  • 8. 7_OECD DAC Security Sistem reform 2005 (13%)

    3-mag-2013 6.43.53

    well before tensions and conflicts have eroded polities and economies to the point of collapse”. OECD ... on Official Development Assistance (ODA), interested OECD governments may need to draw on non-ODA ... Conflict. SECURITY SYSTEM REFORM AND GOVERNANCE – ISBN 92-64-00786-5 – © OECD 2005 11 OECD DAC

  • 9. PHDCourse_IdentificationandCausalEffectsinMacro (13%)

    7-giu-2023 11.58.37

    ., the shock) on national and subnation economic outcome (OECD, 2021; IRENA, 2022; Naqvi, 2021 ... arxiv:1102.1215. • OECD. (2021). Assessing the Economic Impacts of Environmental Policies. Evidence from a Decade of OECD Research. OECD Publishing, Paris. • Naqvi, A. (2021). Decoupling trends

  • 10. sabatini (11%)

    24-mag-2022 16.19.52

    ". Moscow, Russia. • 2006, November 18: invited speaker at the Conference "Reviewing OECD ... ;Economic Insecurity and Fertility: The Case of Italy" at the IARIW-OECD Conference on Economic ... Co-operation and Development (OECD). Task: preparing a paper to be used at the seminar on Social Enterprise and Social Capital organised by the OECD LEED Centre for Local Development and the World Bank


    24-apr-2020 8.00.51

    , UNITALIA - Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy. • 2009: International Expert at OECD ... (Israel), UCLA (USA), (2008-2010). • International Expert for OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation ... ), project “Euromediterranean Charter for Enterprises”, in collaboration with European Union and OECD ... Urban Development, OECD-National and Development Reform Commission-China Development Research

  • 12. Area Economico-Finanziaria 2008 (10%)

    30-mag-2013 14.45.28

    considering the expansion and recession regimes defined from the oECD turning points and reported in table 15. OECD Turning points chronology (since 1985) Peak Dec-89 (Sept-91) Dec-95 oct-97 Dec-00 Jul ... value of 500,000 euros of global debt towards the Italian banking system. oECD turning points ... ) in correspondence of the economic recession phases as identified by oECD (grey bars) while the white bars ... bars denote recession periods (oECD). pRocyclIcalIty anD loan pRIcIng EffEctS UnDER BaSEl II… 19 SME


    8-mar-2013 14.05.25

    secondo qual è la forza politica prevalente “. Le statistiche dell’OECD (OECD, 2008) mostrano come l’attività ... , The Netherlands: Springer Netherlands. (di prossima pubblicazione). OECD (2008). Education at a Glance. Paris: OECD. Rapporto di Autovalutazione dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo (2008

  • 16. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (9%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 17. InFolio nr 39 - giugno 2022 (9%)

    7-set-2023 15.29.41

    development policies caused 77% [OECD, 2020]. deep-rooted inequalities on an economic and social ... with the pace a member of this network, their actions during the of urbanization [OECD, 2020]. recovery process

  • 18. Scheda Trasparenza LM 63-2015 (9%)

    1-ott-2015 13.46.27

    of governance yield by the reforms of the public sector undertaken in OECD countries in the last three ... democratic legitimacy 2 Theory and practice of representative democracy 2 Democratic experimentation in OECD

  • 19. Reforming_the_State_Through_Governance_Palumbo_Antonino (9%)

    21-mag-2014 12.11.34

    Reforming the State Through Governance (7 ECTS) 1. Course Description The course intends to provide the analytical tools for understanding the new modes of governance yield by the reforms of the public sector undertaken in OECD countries in the last three decades. In particular, it intends to spell out the theoretical, empirical and normative questions that the passage 'from government ... in OECD countries - From big government to post-democracy? e) New Modes of Governance and Policy

  • 20. 3_OECD DAC Security Sistem reform 2005_2 (9%)

    3-mag-2013 6.42.58

    Reduction (2001). 16 SECURITY SYSTEM REFORM AND GOVERNANCE – ISBN 92-64-00786-5 – © OECD 2005 OECD