Ricerca avanzata per:
Risultati della ricerca
1. Cerimonia di inaugurazione del Master Degree in “Migration Studies” (100%)
21-set-2021 10.04.47online articolo, notizia, unipa, cerimonia, inaugurazione, Master Degree, Migration Studies Mercoledì 22 settembre alle 11.30, si tiene online la cerimonia di inaugurazione del Master Degree ... il link per connettersi all’evento. Le lezioni del Master Degree in “Migration Studies” prendono ... ://migrantsproject.eu/ Visualizza la locandina col programma della Cerimonia di inaugurazione del Master Degree in “Migration Studies” Cerimonia di inaugurazione del Master Degree in “Migration Studies” GIULIO CACI
2. Neurosciences International Master Degree Flyer (80%)
2-mar-2021 20.13.38Neurosciences International Master Degree Flyer neurosciences, international master degree, bind DARIO LA SALA
3. Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | First Orientation Event (80%)
3-ago-2021 1.59.43Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | First Orientation Event Joint Master Degree, migration studies, orientamento, Culture e Società, Unipa Giovedì 29 luglio, dalle 11.00 alle 12.30 (CEST) (10.00-11.30 Tunisian Time) si svolgerà il primo evento di orientamento relativo all'avvio del Joint Master Degree in “Migration Studies: Governance, Policies and Cultures”, offerta didattica congiunta delle Università di Palermo e di Tunisi, realizzata nell'ambito delle attività
4. Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | Cerimonia inaugurale (71%)
22-set-2021 8.43.16Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | Cerimonia inaugurale Joint Master Degree, migration studies, Migrants Project, Culture e Società, Unipa Domani 22 settembre, dalle 11.30 alle 13.30 (10.30-12.30 Tunisian Time), si terrà la Cerimonia inaugurale del Master congiunto in Migration Studies: Governance, Policies and Cultures, istituito nell'ambito del Progetto MIGRANTS, in partenariato tra le Università di Palermo, Tunis El Manar, La Manouba, Tunis, Granada, Westminster
5. Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | Cerimonia inaugurale (71%)
22-set-2021 8.43.16Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | Cerimonia inaugurale Joint Master Degree, migration studies, Migrants Project, Culture e Società, Unipa Domani 22 settembre, dalle 11.30 alle 13.30 (10.30-12.30 Tunisian Time), si terrà la Cerimonia inaugurale del Master congiunto in Migration Studies: Governance, Policies and Cultures, istituito nell'ambito del Progetto MIGRANTS, in partenariato tra le Università di Palermo, Tunis El Manar, La Manouba, Tunis, Granada, Westminster
6. First interview for the Admission to the Master Degree Program in Electronics Engineering (61%)
15-set-2020 16.07.48First interview for the Admission to the Master Degree Program in Electronics Engineering ... to the Master Degree in Electronics Engineering": https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19 ... to the Master Degree Program in Electronics Engineering will take place on Thursday 17 September 2020 at 3:00 p.m. (CEST - UTC+2) on the MS TEAMS platform. Students pre-enrolled in the Master Degree Program are invited to participate by accessing the Teams group "Admission to the Master Degree
7. DR6056_2022_bando_dottorati_xxxviii_ciclo_PNRR_prot.pdf (53%)
22-dic-2022 12.19.00richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame valuterà l’ammissibilità per i titoli ... Ingegneria Research Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione
8. Schede-corsi (53%)
22-dic-2022 12.30.21di accesso richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame valuterà l’ammissibilità per i titoli ... della ricerca Ingegneria Research Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree required ... / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame valuterà l’ammissibilità per i titoli di laurea ... della ricerca Ingegneria Research Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree required ... Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame valuterà
9. Schede-corsi (53%)
22-dic-2022 12.30.21di accesso richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame valuterà l’ammissibilità per i titoli ... della ricerca Ingegneria Research Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree required ... / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame valuterà l’ammissibilità per i titoli di laurea ... della ricerca Ingegneria Research Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree required ... Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame valuterà
10. Schede da allegare al bando (47%)
25-gen-2023 10.59.35Research Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame ... Research Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame ... Dipartimento sede della ricerca Ingegneria Research Department Titolo di accesso richiesto / Master degree ... richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame valuterà l’ammissibilità per i titoli ... richiesto / Master degree required (La Commissione d’esame valuterà l’ammissibilità per i titoli
12. English test for admission to Master Degree in Electronics Engineering (42%)
16-set-2021 17.47.21English test for admission to Master Degree in Electronics Engineering electronics engineering, notizia, unipa English test for admission to Master Degree in Electronics Engineering To assess the fullfillment language requirements before the admission to Master Degree, Friday 17th September 2021, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., you can perform the English test at the following link: https://tiny.unipa.it/lm2021testinglese, according to the modalities reported in the email sent to you. Further
13. Interviews for the Admission to the Master Degree Program in Electronics Engineering (42%)
1-set-2021 12.14.02Interviews for the Admission to the Master Degree Program in Electronics Engineering electronics engineering, notizia, unipa International Students have to participate in the interviews for the Admission to the Master Degree Program in Electronics Engineering, that will take place on September 16th, October 21st and November 25th at 3:00 p.m. (CEST/CET). The admission board will be composed ... Students have to participate in the interviews for the Admission to the Master Degree Program
15. Second Interview for the Admission to the Master Degree Program in Electronics Engineering (41%)
18-ott-2021 11.53.14Second Interview for the Admission to the Master Degree Program in Electronics Engineering electronics engineering, notizia, unipa The second interview for the Admission to the Master Degree Program in Electronics Engineering will take place on will take place on October 21st at 3:00 p.m. (CEST/CET) on the MS TEAMS platform: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19 ... . RICCARDO PERNICE The second interview for the Admission to the Master Degree Program in Electronics
16. Room change for the Final Dissertation of MSc degree - 4th October 2023 (39%)
3-ott-2023 23.35.03Room change for the Final Dissertation of MSc degree - 4th October 2023 master degree, management engineering, unipa Following an inspection carried out today at the Fierotti room of the SAAF, it has been decided that it was not suitable for our master degree final exams. Therefore we inform you that the final exam tomorrow morning, 4 October, will be held at 10:00 in Classroom O010. SERGIO RIOTTA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/
17. Room change for the Final Dissertation of MSc degree - 4th October 2023 (39%)
3-ott-2023 23.12.42Room change for the Final Dissertation of MSc degree - 4th October 2023 master degree, engineering management, unipa Following an inspection carried out today at the Fierotti room of the SAAF, it has been decided that it was not suitable for our master degree final exams. Therefore we inform you that the final exam tomorrow morning, 4 October, will be held at 10:00 in Classroom O010. SERGIO RIOTTA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/
18. Room change for the Final Dissertation of MSc degree - 4th October 2023 (39%)
3-nov-2023 19.38.18Room change for the Final Dissertation of MSc degree - 4th October 2023 master degree, management engineering, unipa Following an inspection carried out today at the Fierotti room of the SAAF, it has been decided that it was not suitable for our master degree final exams. Therefore we inform you that the final exam tomorrow morning, 4 October, will be held at 10:00 in Classroom O010. SERGIO RIOTTA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/
19. Updated_Annexes_DD_UNIPA_UTU (39%)
18-lug-2023 10.28.31Decision, 26.1.2023 Updating the lists of courses of annexes of the Double Master Degree ... Master Degree Agreement Between the University of Palermo (UNIPA) and the University of Turku (UTU ... degree programme between the “Master degree in Physics” at UNIPA and the Master degree in “Physical and ... degree in Physics” at UNIPA and the Master degree in “Physical and Chemical Sciences: Astronomy and ... at host university, 21 October 2021. UNIPA UTU Laurea Magistrale in Fisica Master degree
20. Neurosciences_final_light (38%)
17-nov-2020 18.29.56Information and enrollment All you need to know to choose our International Master Degree – Be International even in Palermo International Integrated Course Our teaching program is created for open-minded students who want to study in English and be ready to work in Italy and abroad reaching high levels of knowledge and education To be different All in English level C1 - IELTS BIO and ... of Health Email:carla.cannizzaro@unipa.it Official website of the Master Degree https