Ricerca avanzata per:
Risultati della ricerca
1. Information letter for mobility Staff (100%)
30-apr-2024 9.26.16Information letter for mobility Staff articolo, notizia, unipa, Information letter for mobility Staff, internazionalizzazione Information letter for mobility Staff (MS Word DOCX Format) - (OpenOffice ODT Format) - Modulo da compilare dal pensonale docente o tecnico amminictrativo che intende intraprendere un programma di mobilità internazionale presso il nostro Dpt ANGELO MISURACA
2. Network internazionale (19%)
11-set-2024 9.06.16Information letter for mobility Staff articolo, notizia, unipa, Information letter for mobility Staff, internazionalizzazione Information letter for mobility Staff (MS Word DOCX Format) - (OpenOffice ODT Format) - Modulo da compilare dal pensonale docente o tecnico amminictrativo che intende intraprendere un programma di mobilità internazionale presso il nostro Dpt ANGELO MISURACA Accordi Erasmus Plus articolo, notizia, unipa Accordi Erasmus+ KA131 Università /Ente Docente coordinatore
3. Verbale_Commissione-AQDD_2024-03-25 (16%)
7-mag-2024 9.49.26;Information letter" per Mobility Staff incoming presso il DpT PROMISE; 7. Varie ed Eventuali ... : Approvazione "Information letter" per Mobility Staff incoming presso il DpT PROMISE ... di Medicina e Chirurgia. 6. Approvazione "Information letter" per Mobility Staff incoming
4. Information letter for mobility Staff (7%)
30-apr-2024 9.19.34Information letter Staff Mobility Agreement (A ttachment . 1) containing the objectives, the expected learning outcomes, the activities to be carried out, the period of stay, the language in which the training activity will take place and, if possible, a timetable of activities; the document must be signed by both the head of the structure to which the candidate belongs and the head of the structure of the host Institute/Company Declaration of clearance to carry out the training internship