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1. Summer School (100%)
28-mar-2024 13.09.09Summer School stebicef, summer school, studenti - 17rd Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - European Summerschool in Quantum Chemistry - 15rd Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - 13rd Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - 11th Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - 9th Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology GIOVANNI MORICI
2. XV-Summer-School-on-Advanced-Biotechnology_Flyer (95%)
9-set-2021 17.48.41School on Advanced Biotechnology September 13-15, 2021 Orto Botanico, Dpt. STEBICEF Palermo, Italy ... The international summer school on Venue: UNIPA, Orto Botanico, Via Lincoln 2 “Advanced Biotechnology” is organized yearly Classroom A and B Dpt. STEBICEF by several members of Biotechnet Switzerland in collaboration with the Master In Applied XV Summer School on Biotechnology, BIRS, at the University of Palermo. Advanced Biotechnology The School has reached its 15th edition after a September 13
3. XVII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology (82%)
12-set-2023 15.22.19XVII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology Summer, School, Biotechnology XVII Summer School on Avanced Biotechnology September 4-6, 2023 - Orto Botanico - Dpt. STEBICEF - Palermo, Italy University of Palermo [Presentation] [Conference Site] [Program] ] [Photo] [Collateral Activities] MASSIMO MARCO
4. Summer School in Genetica forense (80%)
14-apr-2015 8.32.25Summer School in Genetica forense summer school, genetica forense, stebicef L'obiettivo della Summer School è quello di fornire a tutti gli operatori interessati all'analisi del DNA nel contesto forense un panorama esaustivo della molteplicità delle tecniche e delle problematiche coinvolte. Ciascun partecipante potrà scegliere le modalità di fruizione del piano formativo adeguato alle proprie ... di laboratorio presso il Dipartimento STEBICEF. Leggi la scheda ROBERTO LA BARBERA /sites/portale/_categories
5. XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology (79%)
25-giu-2018 13.05.33XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology summer school, biotechnology, biotechnet, birs XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology September ...., 2018 Sala Lanza, Orto Botanico Palermo Department of Biological, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies University of Palermo [ Aim ] [ History ] [ Program ] [ Conference Site ] [ Participants / Speakers ] [ Info / Contact us ] GIOVANNI MORICI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/
6. Program Summer School Palermo 2014 (76%)
6-ago-2014 16.13.58Program IX Summer School Sunday, August 31 2014 on Advanced Biotechnology 18:00 Registration August 31 – September 3 2014 Sala Lanza, Orto Botanico Palermo 19:00 Welcome party Botanical Garden, Via Lincoln 2, Palermo Monday, September 1 2014 Natural products II 10:00 Martin Wolf: “Recombinant proteins for 9:15 Welcome and Opening remarks 15:00 Drenusha Sadiku, Claudia Ralser ... assay” *gift of “Istituto Regionale Vini e Oli”, Palermo Program Summer School Palermo 2014
7. . (76%)
6-ago-2014 15.14.38. history, summer school, advanced biotechnology 9th Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology The International Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology is organized by BIRS (Master degree ... : I Summer School, Palermo, Italy. 2007: II Summer School, Sion, Switzerland 2008: III Summer School, Palermo, Italy 2009: IV Summer School, Basel, Switzerland 2010: V Summer School, S.Margherita Belice (AG), Italy 2011: VI Summer School, Berlin, Germany 2102: VII Summer School, Margherita Belice (AG
8. XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - History (74%)
26-lug-2018 15.52.47XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - History articolo, notizia, unipa The International Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology is organized by BIRS (Master degree in Biotechnology ... of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences active in the field of biotechnology). 2006: I Summer School, Palermo, Italy. 2007: II Summer School, Sion, Switzerland. 2008: III Summer School, Palermo, Italy. 2009: IV Summer School, Basel, Switzerland. 2010: V Summer School, S.Margherita Belice (AG), Italy
9. XI Summer School Palermo 2016 - Program (74%)
6-set-2016 20.33.46Summer School on Advanced 11:30 – 12:00 Daniel Gygax Wednesday, 14.09.2016 ... :30 oligonucleotide probes and glass DNA chips Coffee break aa-Program Summer School Palermo
10. XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Participants (71%)
31-ago-2018 15.22.22XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Participants summer school, biotechnology, participants [ Home ] [ Aim ] [ History ] [ Program ] [ Conference Site ] [ Participants ] [Speakers ] [ Sponsors ] [ Info / Contact us ] MTB (ETHZ) Alvarado, Abdiel BIRS Angori, Silvia Affatigato Luisa Batavia, Aashil FHNW Aronica Marta Ghosh, Adhideb ZHAW Biotech Aliu, Arlinda Barbarino Enza Jaleh, Fateme Bolt, Valentin Geiger, Kerstin Barbarino Maria Wu, Cheng Guang Braun, Tobias Gut, Michelle Bonelli
11. XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Speakers (71%)
25-lug-2018 15.14.34XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Speakers summer school, advanced biotechnology, speakers speakers GIOVANNI MORICI
12. XVII-Summer-School-on-Advanced-Biotechnology-Program (71%)
25-ago-2023 11.52.20XVII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology 4-6 September 2023 Palermo, Italy Program Start End Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6 08:30 09:00 Registration Welcome and Opening remarks: Speaker: Patrick Shahgaldian, FHNW Speaker: Ying Liu, LONZA 09:00 09:20 Title: In Silica Protein Engineering towards Title: Cell Line Development for Biomanufacturing – Salvatore Feo, Thomas Villiger, Jack Rohrer ... , Frieburg, DE HES-SO - Hes-so Valais Wallis, Sion, CH MCI - The Entrepreneurial School, Innsbruck
13. XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Conference site (68%)
26-lug-2018 15.56.14XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Conference site summer school, advanced biotechnology, conference site Sala Lanza, Orto Botanico, Via Lincoln, 2 Palermo Tel: +39 091 23891236 The Orto Botanico di Palermo (Palermo Botanical Garden) is both a botanical garden and a research and educational institution of the University of Palermo. The garden lies within the city of Palermo. click on the map for further details How to reach: From Falcone Borsellino airport you can reach the main
14. XV-Summer-School-on-Advanced-Biotechnology_Program (68%)
9-set-2021 17.48.26XV Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology 2021 13-15 September 2021 Palermo, Italy Program Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 08:30 Registration Welcome and Wolfgang Merkle 09:00 Mariagrazia PizzaCharacterization and optimisation of ex-situ Opening remarks Structure-based antigen designbiological methanian process Thomas Villiger Jack Rohrer 09:30 Alessandro Presentato Development of a Rapid Test to Detect Anti-Developing an in vitro model system for the Microbial processing of metal(loid)s
15. Summer School (61%)
9-set-2021 17.29.14Summer School stebicef, summer school, studenti - 15rd Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - European Summerschool in Quantum Chemistry - 13rd Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - 11th Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - 9th Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology GIOVANNI MORICI
16. . (57%)
6-ago-2014 15.05.49. summer school, advanced technology, aim 9th Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology The International Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology is organized by Biotechnet Switzerland – a partnership of Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences & businesses active in the field of Biotechnology and BIRS – Master degree in Biotechnology for Industry and Scientific Research, University of Palermo. The Summer School promotes professional contact between all participants and inspires students and
17. XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Program (55%)
27-lug-2018 10.46.27XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Program summerschool, advanced biotechnology, program [ Home ] [ Aim ] [ History ] [ Program ] [ Conference Site ] [ Participants ] [Speakers ... analytics of antibiotic resistance mutations Summer School Poster Preparation 09:30 Proteomics ... drugs Summer School Poster Preparation 10:00 Giuseppe Gallo Production yield improvement of microbial ... :30 Coffee break 17:00 Summer School Poster Preparation 17:30 Summer School Poster Preparation 18:00
18. Bando ERASMUS + MOBILITA’ PER STUDIO 2020-2021, offerta formativa internazionale (54%)
11-feb-2020 9.00.35Bando ERASMUS + MOBILITA’ PER STUDIO 2020-2021, offerta formativa internazionale erasmus,mobilità per studio,school day Il 28 Febbraio 2020 presso l’Aula “Vincenzo Mutolo” , Ed. 16 Viale delle Scienze, avrà luogo l’ERASMUS+ DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL DAY . Presentazione bando ERASMUS+ MOBILITA’ PER STUDIO 2020-2021 e offerta formativa internazionale. Si informano gli studenti che, per la partecipazione ... , avrà luogo l’ERASMUS + DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL DAY . Presentazione bando ERASMUS + MOBILITA’ PER STUDIO
19. - (54%)
8-ago-2014 13.35.01- summer school, advanced technology, speaker IX Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology Speakers Gabriele Amore Istituto Regionale Vini e Oli - Via Libertà, 66 - 90143 Palermo Valerio Brucato Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali - Università degli Studi ... Claudia Ralser Management Center Innsbruck Lino Reggiani Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione ... process design) School of Engineering - Rosenstrasse 3, 8400 Winterthur Margherita Sosio Naicons Srl
20. XI Summerschool Palermo 2016 - Program (51%)
12-ago-2016 9.43.53PLA-based liquids to bioactive materials 15:00 – 15:30 XI Summer School on Advanced membranes ... by the students Lunch area of in-vitro diagnostics aa-Program Summer School Palermo 2016 GioMo14