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1. EJSS_2014_Suppl_V.2 (100%)
19-ago-2016 2.34.21……………………………………………………pag. 20 Oral presentations …………………………………………………...pag. 33 Posters ……………………………………………………………….pag. 50 ... Oral Presentations 1.1 – 1.8 Chair Prof. William J
3. CV Eng (63%)
18-feb-2014 11.31.14: A summary of the Publications and Presentations at Meetings is shown below: - 74 ISI Papers in refereed
4. new-page (63%)
18-feb-2014 11.31.18: A summary of the Publications and Presentations at Meetings is shown below: - 74 ISI Papers in refereed
5. 2022_REP_44-engage4bio_ca_FINAL_Signatures_complete (58%)
10-ott-2023 13.15.17to publications and presentations, shall be governed by the procedure of Article 17.4 of the Grant Agreement and