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  • 1. 22nd GEC Meeting 2nd circular (100%)

    7-giu-2018 13.08.03

    of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF) of the University ... presentations will be held in the Botanical Garden of the University of Palermo (address: via ... , where lectures and poster presentations will be held too. GEC22 – Second Circular ... - Pag. 8 / 11 Post-conference Excursion nr. 1 Presentations will be followed by a one day field

  • 2. 22nd GEC Meeting FIRST CIRCULAR 14feb (97%)

    29-mar-2018 13.10.49

    22nd Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists (GEC) 17-20 September 2018 Palermo, Sicily, Italy First Circular Organised by Dipartimento STEBICEF - Università degli Studi ... will be organised by the Department STEBICEF (Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and ... presentations will be held in the Botanical Garden which belongs to the same University (address: via ... -conference field trip 1 Presentations will be followed by a one day field trip with charophytes

  • 3. 22nd Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists (GEC) (97%)

    29-mar-2018 13.16.19

    palermo 22nd Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists (GEC) Meeting, Group of European Charophytologists, GEC [ Organizing Committee ] [ Program ] [ Registration Form ] [ About Palermo ] [ Info ] The 22nd GEC meeting will be organised by the Department STEBICEF (Biological, Chemical and ... . The lectures and poster presentations will be held in the Botanical Garden which belongs ... in the second circular). Post-conference field trip 1 Presentations will be followed by a one day

  • 4. ___________________________________________ (83%)

    7-giu-2018 15.13.05

    17-20, 2018 in Palermo, Italy. The 22nd GEC meeting will be organised by the Department STEBICEF ... ) of the same University and FORUM PLINIANUM onlus. The lectures and poster presentations

  • 5. CV G.Giammona (83%)

    23-gen-2019 10.48.15

    GAETANO GIAMMONA Place of work Lab of Biocompatible Polymers Dpt. DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE BIOLOGICHE CHIMICHE E FARMACEUTICHE “STEBICEF” IBF(Istituto di Biofisica)-CNR, Palermo (Italy); Via Archirafi, 32 - 90123 Palermo (Italy). Phone: +3909123891928 e-mail: ... national and international patents and several presentations (over than 300) at national and international

  • 6. SIMGBM_Palermo_2017_preliminary_programme (83%)

    12-set-2017 12.55.50

    in industry 10.15-10.45 Coffee break 10.45-13.15 Parallel Sessions: Oral presentations of selected

  • 7. GEC2018 (83%)

    29-mar-2018 14.43.05

    - - Meeting, Group of European Charophytologists, GEC The 22nd GEC meeting will be organised by the Department STEBICEF (Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies) of the University of Palermo, in collaboration with the CIRITA (Interdepartmental Research Center on Technology-Environment Interaction) of the same University. The lectures and poster presentations will be held in the Botanical

  • 8. Abstract submission form (83%)

    23-mag-2014 12.00.59

    cm wide. Please do not exceed this size. 3 Oral presentations are limited to 15 min

  • 9. Abstract submission form (83%)

    23-mag-2014 11.57.32

    wide. Please do not exceed this size. 3 Oral presentations are limited to 15 min. Download form

  • 10. XVII-Summer-School-on-Advanced-Biotechnology-Program (83%)

    25-ago-2023 11.52.20

    concentration Speaker: Harald Schoebel, MCI 16:20 16:40 Student Presentations Title: Shed light

  • 11. DC_CV & Publications (64%)

    16-dic-2014 0.04.51

    CURRICULUM VITAE Daniela Campobello Present position: Post-doc Researcher Section Animal Biology (Dpt. STEBICEF), University of Palermo, Italy Address: Via Archirafi 18, 90123 Palermo, Italy Telephone: +39-339-439-5353 email: Education 2008 Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (Supervisor: Dr. S.G. Sealy), University of Manitoba, MB, Canada. Thesis title ... , University of Palermo, Italy. Presentations at meetings Campobello D.* & Sealy S. G. 2014