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Risultati della ricerca
1. GAP-First-intensive-study-week (100%)
20-ott-2021 12.21.36of the SiMuA - Sistema Museale di Ateneo Dr. Bernardo Petralia, Head of Dipartimento Amministrazione ... ”, Palermo Prof. Alessandro Bellavista, Director of the Dipartimento Scienze politiche e delle ... remarks h. 12.45-13.45 PhD student presentations h. 15.00-15.45 Prof. Juliet Fleming, New York ... remarks Tuesday, 26 October - Chiesa S. Antonio Abate h. 09.30-10.30 PhD student presentations ... GAP PROJECT Gra ti Art in Prison h. 11.45-13.30 PhD student presentations h. 15.00-17.00
2. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (95%)
25-gen-2022 10.34.23Assignment Week of 14th December 2020 Elective Presentations Monday 21st December 2020 Minor ... assignments in-class student presentations autobiographical work professional teaching and learning
3. Brochure english (92%)
30-mar-2015 16.43.03: “Iscrizione Summer school TONGUES Differenze e identità plurali. Dipartimento di Scienze umanistiche”. If you ... per stranieri Università di Palermo Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche Dottorato di Ricerca in Studi ... fatherlands and film IDENTITIES with Anna De Fina, with Maria Rizzarelli, presentations and film ... University of Catania 3.00 pm Presentations of Masters and Ph.D 8.00 pm Film Sicilia Queerthrough recent ... Teaching activities include film screenings with Elena Mignosi, and book presentations (queer
4. Call for Papers - Doing English def (92%)
24-mar-2022 10.10.34Dissemination o The best eight presentations will be included in the Doing English Today Conference ... the presentations during the conference, either in presence or through Zoom. o The presentations
5. NECS2021 Official Programme (88%)
8-giu-2021 8.05.3514th annual conference, Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies, hosted by the Dipartimento ... to avoid any overlapping between sessions, presentations are limited to 15 minutes; discussants will have ... presentations to 15 minutes, respondent’s presentation to 6 minutes. However, please remember to fit ... to request they finish promptly so that the other panelists will have time for their presentations ... are presenting. We prefer if presenters stick to the printed order of presentations in a given panel
6. DUCOG-—-Conference-2021 (82%)
25-mag-2021 11.18.04, we are introducing two streams for contributed presentations. One stream will involve a selected number of live ... presentations with pre-loaded presentation materials and the possibility for focused exchanges
7. Seminario 31-01-20 (82%)
16-gen-2020 9.05.569.00 - 11.00 Presentations: 9.00 – 9.45 Víctor Pavón, Head of the Dpt. of English and German ... Exhibition 11.30 - 13.15 Presentations: 11.30 – 12.00 Adriana Iacono, Eurolingue School Director
8. Research areas (70%)
25-mag-2020 12.30.49deal of members engaged in presentations and round tables within the context of the most
9. Programma (70%)
10-apr-2018 9.18.11by all program: individual presentations by participants 10.00 – 10.30 partners (30 min each
10. research seminars.Palermo2021•pdf (70%)
29-mar-2021 12.12.51researchers and members of the teaching community to contribute presentations covering a wide range ... with an App Link to the website: https://www.unipa.it/dipartimenti/scienzeumanistiche/RESEARCH
11. research seminars.docxbozza 2 (70%)
18-mar-2021 11.32.46researchers and members of the teaching community to contribute presentations covering a wide range ... with an App Link to the website: https://www.unipa.it/dipartimenti/scienzeumanistiche/RESEARCH
12. INVITO REGIONE research seminars 01 (70%)
30-apr-2021 10.08.47researchers and members of the teaching community to contribute presentations covering a wide range ... /scienzeumanistiche/RESEARCH- WEBINAR-SERIES-From-Specialised-Languages-and-Discourses-to-Accessible
1-mar-2017 10.26.28CALL FOR PAPER TRANSLATION SYMPOSIUM 2016 dipartimento scienze umanistiche, traduzione, simposio, Palermo, transcreation, traduzione2016, call, transaction, translation, locandina Department of Humanities PhD in Literary, Philological and Linguistic Studies Second-Cycle Degrees in Modern Languages and Translation in International Relations, and Theories of Visual and Textual Communication Higher ... methodology - Translation criticism In the field of literature, we especially encourage presentations
14. Brochure in inglese (70%)
16-apr-2014 9.03.13cinematographic contexts. Activities also include two film screenings and three book presentations
15. Call presentazione tesi ita-engl (70%)
7-apr-2015 9.41.18l DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE UMANISTICHE Il Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche dell'Università di Palermo, nell'ambito delle attività del Dottorato di Ricerca in Studi letterari, filologico-linguistici e storico-culturali delle Università di Palermo e Catania, insieme al Sicilia Queer filmfest e in collaborazione con il Sole Luna Festival, organizza a Palermo, dal 25 al 31 maggio 2015 ... presentations of research projects for MA and PhD dissertations that have been completed
16. Allegato_A (70%)
31-ott-2024 10.57.20types: 1. Initial informative webinar with presentations by the participants in Spanish (2h). Dis
17. Gullotta CV-1 senza dati (65%)
28-mar-2024 13.22.07presentations and research seminars (selection) 1. International Conference “Aesthetics of Memory: Soviet