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  • 1. Presentations & Photos (100%)

    5-apr-2016 14.48.13

    Presentations & Photos Seminars, dicam, Olsson New trends and research perspectives towards a more sustainable environment Photo gallery of the Seminars: 13 March - 14 March Relatore/Speakers Affiliations/Afferenza Presentations Gori Riccardo Università di Firenze View La Loggia Goffredo Università di Palermo View Lubello Claudio Università di Firenze View Olsson Gustaf Lund University View1 View2 Torregrossa Michele Università di Palermo View Tucciarelli Tullio Università di Palermo View

  • 2. 2nd AdCourse - 16 - 19 May 2016, Palermo (91%)

    14-feb-2016 10.16.08

    2nd AdCourse - 16 - 19 May 2016, Palermo conference, participant, presentations The II edition of the Advanced Course on Innovative wastewater treatment processes and mathematical modelling will be held in Palermo from 16 to 19 May 2016. For this second edition there will be 6 lecturers among the maximum international expert from different Universities. Further info can be gained from the course website. The course forms part of the research project PRIN2012: Energy consumption and Greenhouse

  • 3. International Seminar - 101as (91%)

    14-feb-2016 10.19.15

    International Seminar - 101as conference, participant, presentations On May 11th at the Polythecnic School of Palermo the International Seminar on the 100 + 1 years celebration of the activeated sludge will take place. Eminent experts will be among the speakers. Among the others: proff. Gustaf Olsson (Lund University, Gooteborg), Hallvard Odegard (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway), Jiri Wanner (Prague University, Check Repubblic), Baeza Juan Antonio (University of Barcellona, Spaign). Further info can

  • 4. iEMS2014 Conference San Diego (91%)

    9-feb-2016 10.31.45

    conference, participant, presentations 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs) June 15-19, 2014, San Diego, California, USA Monday, June 16, 2014 Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a plant-wide model for carbon and energy footprint of wastewater treatment plants Giorgio Mannina, Alida Cosenza, Riccardo Gori, Reza Sobhani, Manel Garrido and Diego Rosso Global sensitivity analysis in environmental water quality modelling: Where do we stand? Giorgio Mannina

  • 5. modelloA_2015JW9NJT (3) (49%)

    12-gen-2017 12.30.05

    Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca Dipartimento per la formazione superiore e per la Ricerca Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento, la promozione e la valorizzazione della Ricerca PRIN: PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE – Bando 2015 Prot. 2015JW9NJT PART A 1 - Research Project Title Advanced mechanical modeling of new materials and structures ... /persone/docenti/d/mario.dipaola/ RESEARCH GROUP WEBPAGE:

  • 6. Home - Water&Energy (48%)

    5-apr-2016 13.15.04

    Home - Water&Energy seminar, water, dicam With great excitement we received lots of positive feedback on the two seminars. On behalf of the organizing team, I would like to thank everybody for their valuable input to the seminars! Especially, I would like to express my great gratitude to all ... . Don’t miss the Powerpoint section (presentations can be downloaded) and the photograph gallery ... will present interesting findings and will share their experience. Three presentations will regard

  • 7. invito convegno-TERMINI (41%)

    7-ago-2013 12.25.40

    will be held at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospatial, of Materials Engineering (DICAM ... quality state-of-the-art scientific information and will Materials Engineering (DICAM) University ... with broader contents, this colloquium is focused ... . This rather small group will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial ... The programme of the colloquium will be available at

  • 8. invito convegno bis (41%)

    3-ott-2013 10.11.31

    will be held at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospatial, of Materials Engineering (DICAM ... platform which More Information of Materials Engineering (DICAM) University of Palermo, Italy ... contents, this colloquium is focused ... . This rather small group will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial ... :// Fax: +39 – 091 -6657749 seminari/fem/programme

  • 9. Home - FEM (41%)

    9-ago-2013 9.56.47

    Home home, dicam, unipa November 28-29 2013 Palermo (Italy) M.S. Yalin Memorial Mini-Colloquium on Fluvial Eco-Hydraulics and Morphodynamics: new insigths and challenges The colloquium will aim at establishing tight links between leading scientists and research activities in fluvial processes in appreciation of Yalin’s work. The colloquium will provide high quality state-of-the-art scientific ... small group will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial processes. Please

  • 10. FEM-Memorial Colloquium (41%)

    7-ago-2013 12.02.53

    FEM- Memorial Colloquium fem, dicam, unipa M.S. Yalin Memorial Mini-Colloquium on Fluvial Eco-Hydraulics and Morphodynamics: new insigths and challenges The colloquium will aim at establishing tight links between leading scientists and research activities in fluvial processes in appreciation of Yalin’s work. The colloquium will provide high quality state-of-the-art scientific information and ... will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial processes. Please confirm your

  • 11. FEM- Memorial Colloquium (41%)

    3-gen-2014 16.38.29

    FEM- Memorial Colloquium fem, dicam, unipa Dear FEM2013 attendees, I would like to personally thank each of you for giving your contribution and making the FEM 2013 mini-Colloquium so successful and interesting. It was wonderful and fruitful discussion. Many thanks to all of you for taking your precious time and your enthusiastic participation at the Colloquium. Please, see the photo gallery ... of a limited number of scientists. This rather small group will provide high-quality presentations

  • 12. Home (41%)

    3-gen-2014 16.40.11

    Home home, dicam, unipa November 28-29 2013 Palermo (Italy) M.S. Yalin Memorial Mini-Colloquium on Fluvial Eco-Hydraulics and Morphodynamics: new insigths and challenges The colloquium will aim at establishing tight links between leading scientists and research activities in fluvial processes in appreciation of Yalin’s work. The colloquium will provide high quality state-of-the-art scientific ... small group will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial processes. Please

  • 13. Brochure (34%)

    27-ago-2013 9.03.15

    will be held at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospatial, of Materials Engineering (DICAM ... of Materials Engineering (DICAM) the development of a methodolprovide new ideas for future research ... :// this colloquium is focused on specific topics and assumes ... will provide high-quality presentations in diverse aspects of fluvial processes. Thus, please confirm your ... – 091 -6657749 E-mail:

  • 14. CV Eng (34%)

    18-feb-2014 11.31.14

    CV Eng DICAM, UNIPA, ING-IND/22 Nadka Tz. Dintcheva is graduated in Physical Engineering at University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and currently she is Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo. Education and Training: 01/02/2003 – 31/12/2004 – Post doctoral fellow on Thermoplastic vulcanization of post-consumer plastic materials, Tutor: Prof. F.P. La Mantia, University of Palermo 01/11/2001 ... : A summary of the Publications and Presentations at Meetings is shown below: - 74 ISI Papers in refereed

  • 15. new-page (34%)

    18-feb-2014 11.31.18

    CV Eng DICAM, UNIPA, ING-IND/22 Nadka Tz. Dintcheva is graduated in Physical Engineering at University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and currently she is Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo. Education and Training: 01/02/2003 – 31/12/2004 – Post doctoral fellow on Thermoplastic vulcanization of post-consumer plastic materials, Tutor: Prof. F.P. La Mantia, University of Palermo 01/11/2001 ... : A summary of the Publications and Presentations at Meetings is shown below: - 74 ISI Papers in refereed

  • 16. CV ENG (29%)

    21-feb-2014 10.15.08

    CV ENG DICAM, docente, Ing-Ind/22 Prof. R. Scaffaro graduated in Chemical Engineering at the University of Palermo summa cum laude in 1993. In 1998 he received a PhD in "Chemical Technologies and New Materials" by the same University. Since 2000 he joined University of Palermo as an Assistant Professor of "Material Science and Technology" and in 2005 he advanced to Associate ... among conference presentations and invited seminars and lecture. He is the first author of two italian

  • 17. new-page (29%)

    21-feb-2014 10.15.12

    CV ENG DICAM, docente, Ing-Ind/22 Prof. R. Scaffaro graduated in Chemical Engineering at the University of Palermo summa cum laude in 1993. In 1998 he received a PhD in "Chemical Technologies and New Materials" by the same University. Since 2000 he joined University of Palermo as an Assistant Professor of "Material Science and Technology" and in 2005 he advanced to Associate ... among conference presentations and invited seminars and lecture. He is the first author of two italian