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23-lug-2020 16.07.09BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES Termini,CV,DICAM,Laboratory Full Professor of Hydraulics Department of Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy Scientific chief and Co Founder S.e.eng LTD Scientific chief and Co Founder Safety Environmental Engineering srl (IT) – academic spin-off University of Palermo Past positions - 2005 – 2019 Associate Professor, University of Palermo - 2001 - 2005 Assistant professor, University of Palermo - 2000 - 2001 Contract Professor, University
2. GSARA HOME @Laboratory of Ecology - DISTEM (83%)
11-lug-2024 11.58.40GSARA HOME @Laboratory of Ecology - DISTEM marine, gsaralab, ecology, climate change, biodiversity, functional traits, marine biology Go to the Ecology Lab web page Go to Google Scholar web page Download CV Italiano Download CV English Go to Pubblication list Gianluca Sarà (Ph. D., 1994) is Professor of Ecology at University of Palermo (Italy) and leads the Ecology Laboratory (EEB) at Earth and Marine Sciences (DISTEM) Department of Palermo University (Italy). He graduated for his PhD in 1994
3. modelloA_2015JW9NJT (3) (55%)
12-gen-2017 12.30.05: Multiscale modeling. M1.3.7: Laboratory tests for mechanical and durability characterization ... : Laboratory tests for mechanical characterization of cement/lime mortars with self-healing materials ... : Numerical implementation, simulation of case studies and validation of laboratory experimental results ... effects. R4.3.1: Design tools for innovative nanodevices. WP4.4 Laboratory and in situ testing ... ; laboratory tests for mechanical and durability characterization of composites with natural/recycled fibers
4. Biosketch (47%)
24-dic-2014 12.12.04is in charge for the : “Biomechanics and Nanomechanics for Medical Sciences Laboratory ... /2013 project. Since 2013 he is also in charge for the: “Vascular prosthesis Laboratory” at the “Health Translational Research Regional Laboratory” founded with the “PO-FESR 4.1.2.A.” He is currently
5. Internship_request (47%)
6-giu-2023 12.24.47of the degree course equal to 250 hours in his/her laboratory. The undersigned is aware that the second year Intership must be performed in the same laboratory of the Thesis Supervisor and that the 250 hours ... the second year internship and the thesis must be performed in the same laboratory. The student
6. Curriculum_Vitae_Giorgio_Baiamonte (45%)
9-gen-2020 13.11.00structure and soil water retention: laboratory investigation on a Sicilian soil. “4th International ... /shrinking soils by a combination of laboratory and optimization techniques". from 24-11-1999
7. GSARA CV ENG AT 10-2020 (43%)
6-ott-2020 20.20.05CURRICULUM VITAE – PROF. DR. GIANLUCA SARA’ (PH.D. 1994) REVISED OCTOBER 2020 NAME: Gianluca SARA’ SEX: Male DATE OF BIRTH: May 19th, 1965 NATIONALITY: Italian CURRENT POSITION Full Professor of Ecology (Sector BIO/07) Laboratory of Ecology (EEB) @ University of Palermo (Italy ... Marine Laboratory, University of California Davis (California, USA, 12-29 July 2011). 2010 ... ; email: b.helmuth@neu.edu ✓ Prof. John Widdows (Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, UK
8. Curriculum_Sito_Inglese_Marzo_2017 (43%)
4-mag-2017 16.49.08- Architecture, University of Palermo (Italy) 2004/05 to 12/13: Professor of Experimental laboratory ... in the Hydraulic Laboratory of Palermo University, in which he organized and performed the runs. Researches ... mainly developed in the field of Hydraulics, with researches - often carried out by laboratory
9. Curriculum vitae (41%)
13-nov-2018 13.22.29(Laboratory of Optics and OptoelectroniX, di cui fanno parte oltre 16 ricercatori tra personale in sevizio permanente e personale in servizio temporaneo. E' stato responsabile dell UFL (Ultra-Fast Laboratory
10. Short Biography (41%)
7-dic-2015 18.15.35in shallow waters; transport and diffusion simulation of pollutant in natural waters; 5) laboratory experiments for hydraulic resistance assessment of long and flexible submersed vegetation; 6) laboratory
28-nov-2016 16.48.21fondatore e responsabile del LOOX (Laboratory of Optics and OptoelectroniX, di cui fanno parte oltre 16 ... responsabile dell UFL (Ultra-Fast Laboratory, di cui fanno parte 6 unità di perosnale a tempo determinato
12. didatweb.scheda.trasparenza (14) (41%)
8-ott-2023 20.35.09DEPARTMENT Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche, dell’Esercizio Fisico e della Formazione ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 MASTER'S DEGREE (MSC) PRIMARY EDUCATION SUBJECT ITALIAN LITERATURE FOR PRIMARY AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL AND LABORATORY TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY B AMBIT 70007-Discipline letterarie CODE 16006 SCIENTIFIC SECTOR(S) L-FIL-LET/10 HEAD PROFESSOR(S) SPALANCA LAVINIA Ricercatore a tempo Univ ... and analysis. Hrs Workshops 16 Laboratory reading/writing DOCENTE: Prof.ssa LAVINIA SPALANCA
13. GSARA CV ENG AT FEB 2014 (40%)
9-feb-2014 16.39.42CURRICULUM VITAE – PROF. GIANLUCA SARA’ (PH.D. 1994) REVISED FEBRUARY 2014 NAME: Gianluca SARA’ SEX: Male DATE OF BIRTH: May 19th, 1965 NATIONALITY: Italian CURRENT POSITION Associate Professor of Ecology Laboratory of Experimental Ecology & Behaviour (LoEEB) @ University ... of Florence, Italy 2000 Visiting Scientist Plymouth Marine Biological Laboratory (Dr. John Widdows ... , Boston, MA, USA; email: b.helmuth@neu.edu Prof. John Widdows (Plymouth Marine Laboratory
14. GSARA CV ITA 01-2014 (40%)
9-feb-2014 16.39.29Luglio 2011: Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory, University of California Davis (CA, USA) - Attività ... Gennaio 2011: Estonian Academy of Sciences, Division of Informatics and Engineering, Laboratory
15. IEEE_magazine_I_2014 (40%)
8-mag-2014 10.43.48of Palermo, Italy, in 1989. For from the IEMN laboratory, Group Telice, Uni- the research on grounding ... Administration. In 1994, he received the Ph.D. assistant Professor at Xlim laboratory, University of Limoges ... joined DEIM laboratory for Modeling and Electromagnetic Simulation – Doshisha University, Kyoto
16. GSARA CV extenso ITA 10-2020 (38%)
6-ott-2020 20.44.44Foundation del Prof. Brian Helmuth. 23. 12-29 Luglio 2011: Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory, University ... : Estonian Academy of Sciences, Division of Informatics and Engineering, Laboratory of Wave Engineering
17. Biosketch (38%)
19-nov-2023 15.05.21Bioengineering Laboratory, McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh ... 2013 Invited talk at Laboratory for Modeling and Scientific Computing (MOX), Politecnico di Milano
17-nov-2023 14.33.30Bioengineering Laboratory, McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh ... 2013 Invited talk at Laboratory for Modeling and Scientific Computing (MOX), Politecnico di Milano
19. new-page (36%)
18-feb-2014 17.10.33research activity is related to a laboratory experimentation on the optimal mix design to obtain