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1. laboratory (100%)
9-feb-2014 21.45.06Icar09 - Structural Engineering - Laboratory Icar09, Structural Engineering, Laboratory ELISA OLIVERI navigation menu Description People Research Academic programs Laboratory Services Link Dicam Home page Research Fields Laboratories Contacts
2. ICAR01 - Hydraulics - Laboratory (96%)
12-giu-2015 16.08.33ICAR01 - Hydraulics - Laboratory ICAR01, Hydraulics, Laboratory Instruments The Laboratory ... are actually on rehabilitation. A section of the laboratory, located in the two outdoor areas too ... is on rehabilitation too. Since its foundation, the Laboratory of Hydraulics has been used to carry out ... are ongoing. In the Laboratory of Hydraulics a number of on-commission investigations by physical models ... river stretches, water meter calibration. The laboratory is able to carry out analogous on-commission
3. laboratory (87%)
9-feb-2014 19.24.35Nuovo articolo In costruzione... ELISA OLIVERI navigation menu Description People Research Academic programs Laboratory Services Link Dicam Home page Research Fields Laboratories Contacts
4. ICAR05 - Transportation - Laboratory (84%)
5-nov-2015 17.18.17ICAR05 - Transportation - Laboratory ICAR05, Transportation, Laboratory SMAART Laboratory ... Laboratory (Sustainable Mobility/Accident Analysis/Research & Training), managed by the “Transport Research Group” of DICAM. The SMAART Laboratory, which is part of the laboratories ... . The Laboratory is equipped with a truck simulator, a mobile station for monitoring the environmental and ... . The laboratory has also a microdrone UAV, an MMS system, sensors for the detection of pollutants
5. Icar08 - Structural Mechanics - Laboratory (84%)
22-giu-2015 14.08.48Icar08 - Structural Mechanics - Laboratory Icar08, Structural Mechanics, Laboratory Dynamic tests ... values related to any structural system. For this purpose, the Laboratory of Experimental Dynamics is equipped to perform dynamic tests (in-situ and inside the Laboratory) with impulsive forcing for the analysis of free vibrations or ambient noise, and dynamic tests (in the Laboratory) with excitation of known characteristics. In addition, tests are developed in the laboratory to support research
6. SMAART Laboratory (83%)
14-giu-2019 18.31.00SMAART Laboratory Engineering, SMAART, laboratory, Research SMAART Laboratory (Sustainable Mobility ... POR FESR Sicilia 2007-2013 (Asse IV, Obiettivo 4.1.2), made possible the birth of the SMAART Laboratory ... Group” of DICAM. The SMAART Laboratory, which is part of the laboratories of the University of Palermo ... transport, for a depth knowledge of the different features of the territory. The Laboratory ... allows the collection and analysis of the noise levels produced in an airport. The laboratory has
7. Icar09 - Structural Engineering - Laboratory (80%)
22-giu-2015 15.24.46Icar09 - Structural Engineering - Laboratory Icar09, Structural Engineering, Laboratory The group ... parties making use of the laboratory of Materials and Structures in Viale delle Scienze - Building 8 . The laboratory is equipped with a press with a capacity of 4000 kN and a universal machine ... with a capacity of 80 l/min for static, dynamic or pseudo- static tests. The laboratory has all the electronic ... as prescribed in L.1086/71, teachers in the field and laboratory technicians have adequate experience
8. ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Laboratory (75%)
27-apr-2016 13.44.43ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Laboratory ICAR06, Topography and Cartography, Laboratory Tools and equipment The activities of Geomatics Laboratory refers to the fields of architecture, civil ... survey (total station, laser scanning, GPS, photogrammetry). Over the years, the laboratory ... cartography; The Geomatics Laboratory carries out transfer activities of the experiences ... of the university. The Laboratory manages a network of GNSS permanent stations for the western part
9. Plastic and Bioplastic Materials Laboratory (75%)
18-giu-2015 15.23.37Plastic and Bioplastic Materials Laboratory ING-IND22, Materials Science and Technology, Laboratory Equipments for polymer processing (laboratory scale) Laboratory mixer Extruders (single screw, twin ... , precision balances) Rheological analysis laboratory Parallel plate rheometer Capillary viscosimeter Non ... viscosity apparatus Mechanical characterization laboratory Dynamic-mechanical-thermal analysis (DMTA ... mechanical degradation Structural and morphological characterization laboratory FTIR with micro-ATR
10. ICAR03 - Sanitary and Environmental Engineering - Laboratory (74%)
31-mag-2016 15.08.46ICAR03 - Sanitary and Environmental Engineering - Laboratory ICAR03, Ingegneria Sanitaria e Ambientale, Laboratory The laboratory of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ISA-LAB) comprises: a laboratory for conventional chemical physical and biological analysis; a laboratory for advanced analysis (respirometry, microscopy, fluorescence); pilot station for the treatment of water and wastewater ... , for contaminated soil sampling and storing until the subsequent laboratory analysis; Moisture analyzer
11. Icar04 - Highways, Railways and Airports - Laboratory (73%)
19-giu-2015 14.48.13Icar04 - Highways, Railways and Airports - Laboratory Icar04, Highways Railways and Airports, Laboratory The Infrastructure Group develops its research in the experimental facilities of the Road, Railways and Airport Laboratory, former Laboratory of construction of Road Railways and airport and originally established in 1959 together with the Institute of Road Construction. The Laboratory of Roads, Railways and Airport, which is an Official State Laboratory according to Italian law n. 1086/1971
12. ICAR02 - Hydraulic Structures - Laboratory (69%)
16-giu-2015 13.53.28ICAR02 - Hydraulic Structures - Laboratory ICAR02, Hydraulic Structures, Laboratory The Research Group of Hydraulic and Marine Constructions and Hydrology at DICAM employ as a support for the researches and services the following laboratories: HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES REMOTE SENSING LABORATORY MEDILAB COASTAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY ELISA OLIVERI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/
13. Natural and Hybrid Materials Laboratory (64%)
18-giu-2015 15.24.22Natural and Hybrid Materials Laboratory ING-IND22, Materials Science and Technology, laboratory This Laboratory, dedicated to the fiber-reinforced composites, is provided by a large number of equipments enabling the preparation of samples for both the static-mechanical and dynamic-mechanical characterizations. A section of the laboratory is dedicated to the calorimetric analysis, by using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). A dynamic mechanical analyser (DMTA) is also available
14. Icar22 - Real Estate Appraisal - Laboratory (63%)
19-giu-2015 15.05.37Icar22 - Real Estate Appraisal - Laboratory Icar22, Real Estate Appraisal, Laboratory No laboratory activities. ELISA OLIVERI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/
15. ING-IND022 - ING-IND024 - Materials Science and Technology - Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering - Laboratory (61%)
18-giu-2015 15.23.06ING-IND022 - ING-IND024 - Materials Science and Technology - Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering - Laboratory ING-IND022, ING-IND024, Materials Science and Technology, Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering, Laboratory Three different laboratories support the activities of Materials Science and Technology Group of DICAM: Plastic and Bioplastic Laboratory Natural and Hybrid Materials Laboratory Materials for Conservation and Restoration laboratory ELISA OLIVERI /sites/portale/_categories
16. Materials for Conservation and Restoration Laboratory (59%)
18-giu-2015 15.24.59Materials for Conservation and Restoration Laboratory ING-IND22, Materials Science and Technology, Laboratory The laboratory is equipped with an ionic chromatograph, optical microscopes, micro-Raman, pHmeter, conductimeter, X-ray diffractometer, FTIR spectrometer, Scanning Electron Microscopy, helium pycnometre, simultaneous thermal analyzer. ELISA OLIVERI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/
17. Remote Sensing Laboratory MEDILAB (58%)
16-giu-2015 13.54.10Remote Sensing Laboratory MEDILAB icar02, MEDILAB, laboratory, remote sensing The research activities of the MEDILAB can be described in the following way: Modelling and monitoring of hydrologic variables by means of remote sensing data, with a special attention to the spatial and temporal evolution of evapotranspiration and surface soil moisture. Specific algorithms have been developed for the application of the surface energy balance in case of sparse vegetation, for the application
18. ING-IND23 - Applied Physical Chemistry - Laboratory (57%)
18-giu-2015 16.26.36ING-IND23 - Applied Physical Chemistry - Laboratory ING-IND23, Applied Physical Chemistry, Laboratory The Electrochemical Materials Science laboratory can benefit of the following facilities: Set up for photoelectrochemical measurements (Potentiostat/Galvanostat PAR Model 173, Lock-in Amplifer PAR 7260, Universal Programmer PAR 175, Monocromatore Kratos Analytical, Xenon Lamp Muller SVX 1450, Light Chopper Controller Model 650). Set up for optical measurements (Laser Red Helium-Neon Spectra
19. Icar07 - Geo05 - Geotechnics - Applied Geology - Laboratory (57%)
22-giu-2015 17.48.44Icar07 - Geo05 - Geotechnics - Applied Geology - Laboratory Icar07, Geo05, Geotechnics, Applied Geology, Laboratory The geotechnical laboratory of the DICAM can carry out standard and advanced as well as special tests on soils and rocks aimed at their identification and mechanical characterisation. The available experimental equipment consists of: device for determination of index properties, including organic matter content and CaCO3 content; standard direct shear boxes, and large shear box
20. ING-IND06 - Fluid Dynamics - Laboratory (57%)
30-gen-2014 14.16.55ING-IND06 - Fluid Dynamics - Laboratory ING-IND06, Fluid Dynamics, Laboratory ELISA OLIVERI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/