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  • 1. 2012 Amenta Ballor Di Betta International Journal of Marketing Studies (100%)

    24-set-2013 11.54.02

    Diversity, and Sporting and Economic Performance in English Soccer Carlo Amenta1, Claudio Ballor2 & ... diversity. The team manager faces a set of very complex tasks. Not only he is the head coach ... of the club, too. We also measure the impact of cultural diversity: attendance appreciates home-grown and talented players, and dislikes cultural diversity. Keywords: managerial capabilities, performance of soccer clubs, cultural diversity and xenophobia in sports 1. Introduction Managerial ability


    24-set-2013 11.53.56

    equality) is national diversity – in itself a concept strictly linked to racial issues. In sports ... becomes the following testable hypothesis: H: attendance appreciates diversity only when it brings about sporting results, but given equal talent, diversity is not valued per se. In the paper ... of key objectives established to support the development of equality and diversity practices across ... from the diversity of clubs; thus, the idiosyncratic error is very small. This implies that almost all

  • 3. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (55%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 4. Curriculum vitae (52%)

    30-ago-2024 13.44.30

    per l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) alla prima e seconda fascia dei professori ... ., Ciarlet M., Giammanco G.M., De Grazia S.,Impact of vaccination on rotavirus genotype diversity

  • 6. CV_Gabriele_Fici (40%)

    28-giu-2024 0.43.56

    notion of regularity based on diversity – 10 novembre 2017, University of Leicester (Regno Unito). 4. Anti-powers in words: a new notion of regularity based on diversity – 11 aprile 2017, Università

  • 7. GSARA CV ENG AT 10-2020 (32%)

    6-ott-2020 20.20.05

    . Diversity and Distribution 25: 1512-1526. 4. Mieszkowska, N., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Burrows, M

  • 8. GSARA CV extenso ITA 10-2020 (32%)

    6-ott-2020 20.44.44

    , A., Vizzini, S. and Sarà G. 2019. Coastal lagoon biodiversity in a changing climate. Diversity and

  • 9. 2007 Di Betta FMP ufficiale (30%)

    24-set-2013 13.11.53

    of complementary consist of «diversity in policy frameworks effect in CSR policy as in the case of prod

  • 10. GSARA CV ENG AT FEB 2014 (30%)

    9-feb-2014 16.39.42

    with the bivalve Brachidontes pharaonis. Diversity and Distribution 19: 1235- 1247. 2013 Sarà, G., Palmeri, V

  • 11. GSARA CV ITA 01-2014 (30%)

    9-feb-2014 16.39.29

    Brachidontes pharaonis. Diversity and Distribution 19: 1235-1247. 7. Sarà, G., Palmeri, V., Montalto, V

  • 12. cicmagazine2_2010_1 (29%)

    12-dic-2023 11.13.39

  • 13. CV-UK (29%)

    9-apr-2024 16.21.58

    . SCIENTIFIC RECOGNITIONS Board of Governors of ASCE (EMI) 2023 Co-Chair for Mentoring & Diversity