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  • 1. new-page (100%)

    3-mar-2014 15.24.14

    department of UCL (University College of London) 2005 University researcher " Topography and ... university researcher " Topography and Carthography " at the Faculty of Architecture

  • 2. Curriculum (100%)

    3-mar-2014 15.25.05

    department of UCL (University College of London) 2005 University researcher " Topography and ... university researcher " Topography and Carthography " at the Faculty of Architecture

  • 3. new-page (81%)

    19-feb-2014 12.42.35

    Biography DICAM, CV, professor, Gino Dardanelli is researcher of Topography and Carthography at the Politechnic School of University of Palermo. He is degrees in Civil Engineering at Palermo University and is PhD course Geodetic and Topographic Sciences at the Parthenope University of Naples. His research work, mostly developed through programs financed by the Ministry for University and Scientific Research, involves the following fields: GNSS network permanent stations, WebGIS Open Source