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1. Abstract Lanzoni (100%)
25-nov-2013 16.34.25is developed that provides analytically the bed topography of an alluvial channel with arbitrary ... with the bed topography surveyed in a 21 km long reach of the Po River is very encouraging and support
2. Paris, De Cicco ecc (77%)
26-nov-2013 11.57.23in river bed topography. On the other hand, the simulations conducted to build a rating curve are often
3. Atti "Diagnostic for Cultural Heritage" (61%)
25-giu-2014 12.58.11topography images and SEM images of the surface of the untreated stone and its treated counterparts
6. Elenco Pubblicazioni DISTEM - 2016_2020 (57%)
15-gen-2021 15.44.28Anno di Nr pagina: pagina: ID prodotto Handle Titolo Tutti gli autori/Curatori rivista: denominazione pubblicazione Volume iniziale finale A facies distribution model controlled by a tectonically inherited sea bottom topography in the carbonate 235763 10447/190562 2016 Basilone, L.; Sulli, A. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 342 91 105 rimmed shelf of the Upper Tithonian–Valanginian Southern Tethyan continental margin (NW Sicily, Italy) A geo-statistical predictive approach to the Habitat RENDICONTI