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  • 1. L.A. Visiting.modulo 2020 (100%)

    5-giu-2020 13.53.24

    components in the student's degree that would normally be completed at the sending institution and which ... educational components and to count them towards the student's degree as described in Table B. Any exceptions

  • 2. Learning-Agreement (100%)

    6-dic-2013 9.22.44

    Modulo All. B LEARNING AGREEMENT Borse di studio MIUR per Studenti iscritti a Corsi di Studio con insegnamenti di lingua e/o cultura cinese A.A. 2013/2014 STUDENTE - STUDENT'S PERSONAL DATA Cognome e nome Family and First name Email Dipartimento - Corso di Studio Department - Degree course Docente italiano responsabile per la mobilità Italian Mobility Programme ... ) _________________________________ (Dott.ssa Angela Maria Adriana Ragonese) STUDENTE STUDENT'S PERSONAL DATA Max

  • 3. L.A. Visiting.modulo 2020 (100%)

    28-set-2020 11.08.18

    (s) to be provided.] Table B: Group of educational components in the student's degree that would ... completed educational components and to count them towards the student's degree as described

  • 4. Learning_Agreement_visiting_students (100%)

    17-giu-2024 12.31.55

    ) to be provided.] Table B: Group of educational components in the student's degree that would normally ... the student's degree as described in Table B. Any exceptions to this rule are documented in an annex

  • 5. Internships (100%)

    5-set-2023 12.51.10

    CURRICULAR INTERNSHIP: A STUDENT'S GUIDE articolo, notizia, unipa STEP #1 In order to begin your curricular internship, you should register on the Almalaurea web site through the following steps: Login into your Personal Area on the Student's Portal; Click on "ALTRO", then click on "ALMALAUREA-ACCESSO" For further information please send an e-mail to, or call the following number: +3909123865510] STEP #2 You must choose a company for the internship

  • 6. Guidelines-for-lecturers (100%)

    3-mag-2024 12.44.51

    dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria È costituito, ai fini della programmazione delle attività formative nei Corsi di Dottorato del Dipartimento di Ingegneria, un Catalogo di Dipartimento per la formazione dottorale, che viene presentato ed approvato annualmente dal Consiglio di Dipartimento, di norma nel mese nel mese di novembre. Dal Catalogo di Dipartimento possono attingere indifferentemente tutti i Corsi di Dottorato del Dipartimento ai fini della predisposizione del rispettivo piano

  • 7. RegulationEdAct_BAF-ENG (100%)

    24-gen-2025 9.54.46

    different from each other. The Student's activity abroad must be approved in advance ... will examine the PhD Student's request, analyze the content and compliance with art. 2, paragraph 2

  • 8. Presentation and educational aims (87%)

    5-lug-2020 17.59.37

    to the student's training needs. The CFU in training activities must however be accrued according ... of Palermo or other national and international universities, according to the student's training needs. 12

  • 9. ETAR APPROVED_1 dicembre 2022 (87%)

    3-dic-2022 18.41.45

    the PhD student's scientific maturity or the activities carried out in relation to the achievement ... activities 15 hours = 1 CFU Max 40 laboratory relevant to the PhD student's research activities

  • 10. ETAR XL Cycle (87%)

    30-set-2024 10.00.18

    the annual report on the performed activities. If there are concerns about the Ph.D. student's scientific ... -40 laboratory to the Ph.D. student's research project activities Stage Internship in a company

  • 11. ETAR XXXIX Cycle (87%)

    30-set-2024 10.00.18

    the annual report on the performed activities. If there are concerns about the Ph.D. student's ... laboratory to the Ph.D. student's research project activities Stage Internship in a company

  • 12. Call for Participation (74%)

    27-nov-2014 8.01.32

    ....................................... Student's signature ................................................... Adobe

  • 13. Procedure di consegna Elaborato breve/Tesi - Lauree sessione estiva A.A. 2021/22 (74%)

    28-mar-2023 8.42.33

    ), the thesis (in pdf format) must be uploaded by July 1st, 2022 both on the student's portal and via the google

  • 14. Procedure di consegna Elaborato breve/Tesi - Lauree 2ª sessione straordinaria A.A. 2020/21 (74%)

    28-mar-2023 8.46.08

    be uploaded by May 16th, 2022 both on the student's portal and via the google form available here

  • 15. Procedure di consegna Elaborato breve/Tesi - Lauree sessione estiva A.A. 2022/23 (74%)

    4-lug-2023 8.42.09

    2023), thesis in pdf format must be uploaded by June 30th, 2023, both on the student's portal and via


    28-feb-2022 9.43.23

    dichirons, dottorato, oncologia, chirurgia, sperimentale, internazionale International Student's informations English Google translation of this page PhD in Experimental Oncology and Surgery Doctoral program in Experimental Oncology and Surgery Coordinatore: Prof. Antonio Russo Sede del dottorato: Dipartimento Discipline Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Stomatologiche (Di.Chir.On.S.) AREE CUN: 03 ... di accesso XXXV ciclo Regolamento XXXV ciclo Ciclo XXXIV Dottorato interdipartimentale con il Dipartimento

  • 17. Procedure di consegna Elaborato breve/Tesi - Lauree sessione estiva A.A. 2023/24 (74%)

    25-giu-2024 13.13.45

    ), thesis in pdf format must be uploaded by July 1st, 2024, both on the student's portal and via

  • 18. Procedure di consegna Elaborato breve/Tesi - Lauree sessione autunnale A.A. 2022/23 (74%)

    29-ago-2023 11.28.17

    (October 2023), thesis in pdf format must be uploaded by September 13th, 2023, both on the student's

  • 19. Procedure di consegna Elaborato breve/Tesi - Lauree sessione autunnale A.A. 2021/22 (74%)

    3-giu-2024 10.55.43

    ) thesis (in pdf format) must be uploaded by September 12th, 2022 both on the student's portal and via

  • 20. Procedure di consegna Elaborato breve/Tesi - Lauree sessione straordinaria A.A. 2021/22 (74%)

    3-giu-2024 10.53.30

    ) must be uploaded by February 17th, 2023, both on the student's portal and via the google form