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1. ICAR05 - Trasporti - Laboratorio (100%)
5-nov-2015 17.15.28SMAART (Sustainable Mobility/Accident Analysis/Research&Training), curato dal gruppo “Trasporti” del DICAM. Il Laboratorio SMAART, che rientra nell’ambito dei laboratori dell'Università di Palermo e fa capo al (DICAM-Area Trasporti e Geomatica), si occuperà della ricerca sui temi relativi ... ICAR05 - Trasporti - Laboratorio ICAR05, Trasporti, Laboratorio Il laboratorio SMAART (Sustainable Mobility/Accident Analysis/Research&Training) Il progetto RESET, realizzato attraverso i fondi
2. ICAR05 - Transportation - Laboratory (100%)
5-nov-2015 17.18.17Research Group” of DICAM. The SMAART Laboratory, which is part of the laboratories of the University of Palermo and also part of the DICAM-Transport and Geomatics Area, will be a place for research ... ICAR05 - Transportation - Laboratory ICAR05, Transportation, Laboratory SMAART Laboratory (Sustainable Mobility/Accident Analysis/Research&Training) The RESET project, realized by the funding program POR FESR Sicilia 2007-2013 (Asse IV, Obiettivo 4.1.2), made possible the birth of the SMAART
3. Laboratories (71%)
31-mag-2016 16.19.36Laboratories Dicam, research, description DICAM is characterized by 16 laboratories as support for the researches and services carried out by the seven research sections Aerospatial Coastal Engineering Dynamic of structures Electrochemical Materials Science Geomatics Geotechnics Hydraulics Hydraulic structures Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Material and Structures Natural and Hybrid ... ;SMAART" GIORGIO MANNINA /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/
4. Laboratori DICAM (71%)
31-mag-2016 16.18.45Laboratori DICAM laboratori, sezioni, dicam Il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali - DICAM - si avvale di 16 laboratori come supporto per le ricerche e le attività di conto terzi condotte dalle sette aree di ricerca da cui è composto. Posizionando il cursore ... Training "SMAART" Telerilevamento Le principali attività dei laboratori sono: il supporto ... di macchine e strumenti di misura. I laboratori del DICAM sono Laboratori Ufficiali dello Stato ai sensi
5. New page (71%)
9-nov-2015 12.45.28Laboratories Dicam, research, description DICAM is characterized by 16 laboratories as support for the researches and services carried out by the seven research sections Aerospatial Coastal Engineering Dynamic of structures Electrochemical Materials Science Geomatics and GIS Geotechnics Hydraulics Hydraulic structures Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Material and Structures Natural and ... "SMAART" GIORGIO MANNINA Navigation Menu About People Research Laboratories Academic