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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Geomatics Section (100%)

    16-giu-2015 17.11.25

    Geomatics Section Geomatics, Topography, GNSS, Photogrammetry, Cartography, GIS, Research, DICAM Geomatics is a complex of disciplines that cover the acquisition, the processing, the analysis, the visualization and the management of spatial information data through the use of "traditional" survey techniques like topography, photogrammetry and cartography, and more recent techniques like remote sensing, geographic information systems and computer vision. The Geomatics section carries

  • 2. jcm-08-00641 - Articlo con tripi 2019 (54%)

    3-apr-2020 8.15.54

    a 2D computerized photogrammetry. Anthropometric euclidean measurements and landmarks located ... . Additionally, photogrammetry can be used to detect generalized dysmorphology, in children who are often ... of computerized photogrammetry and classic anthroposcopy. The examination was conducted by the same author (GT ... identifiable by 2D photogrammetry, may be considered candidates for further investigation of brain ... to establish similar norms for other ethnic groups. Thirdly, our methodology of 2D photogrammetry is limited

  • 3. cv - uk (43%)

    27-apr-2024 16.39.46

    of Naples Parthenope (Italy). His main areas of expertise include photogrammetry, laser scanning ... (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) CIPA (International Commitee of Architectural Photogrammetry) Heritage Documentation Web-sites SCOPUS

  • 4. 4_articolo_zimbardo (39%)

    8-mar-2013 16.03.32

    Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale ed Aerospaziale - DICA Università degli Studi di Palermo ... E NELLA DIAGNOSTICA DEI BENI MONUMENTALI M. Zimbardo * Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale ed ... as, for example, photogrammetry. The most recent research suggests that the laser may also allow ... of Archaeological Science ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,37(12): 3037-3047 (2010) [8 ... limestones using intensity data from terrestrial laser scanner” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and

  • 5. ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Services (37%)

    18-giu-2015 14.23.54

    (total station, GPS, photogrammetry and laser scanning ). Surveys of terrestrial laser scanner ... applications of terrestrial photogrammetry in industrial, marine or structural engineering. Surveys

  • 6. CEAR-04/A – Topography and Cartography (37%)

    25-nov-2024 17.10.46

    and Mapping" is addressed to the following fields: topography, photogrammetry, cartography ... : Dipartimento Regionale dello Sviluppo Rurale e Territoriale dell’Assessorato Regionale ... , Topography, Photogrammetry, GNSS, Laser Scanning, SAPR, Remote Sensing, SAR ELISA OLIVERI /sites

  • 7. Curriculum (36%)

    27-apr-2024 16.40.47

    for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) CIPA (International Commitee of Architectural Photogrammetry) Heritage ... il Dipartimento di Rappresentazione dell'Università di Palermo. Nel triennio 1998-2001 ha frequentato il Corso ... ). Incarichi accademici istituzionali Responsabile del Laboratorio di Geomatica del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Membro del Consiglio Scientifico del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Membro della Commissione Didattica

  • 8. AA curriculum gino 2015 (33%)

    8-gen-2016 15.48.53

    • Tipo di azienda o settore Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale, Aerospaziale dei Materiali ... Universitario presso la Scuola Politecnica, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale, Aerospaziale dei ... - Dipartimento Regionale Bilancio e Teso- ro – Ragioneria Generale - per la raccolta, l’elaborazione ... o settore Convenzione tra la Libera Universita’ Maria SS.Assunta e il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ... con il Dipartimento di Rappresentazione dell’Università di Palermo. • Date 2008

  • 9. Description (28%)

    16-feb-2014 10.03.36

    refer to aerial and close-range photogrammetry, photo-interpretation of images, remote sensing

  • 10. ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Academic programs (28%)

    27-apr-2016 13.43.11

    ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Academic programs ICAR06, Topography and Cartography, Academic programs Dr. Mauro Lo Brutto Photogrammetric survey of Architecture – Building and Architecture Engineering 9 CFU Elements of Surveying and Photogrammetry – Archaeology 6 CFU Ing. Gino Dardanelli Topography - Civil and Building Engineering and Engineering for the Environment and the Territory 6 CFU Laboratory of Applied Topography – Civil Engineering, Engineering for the Environment and

  • 11. ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Laboratory (28%)

    27-apr-2016 13.44.43

    ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Laboratory ICAR06, Topography and Cartography, Laboratory Tools and equipment The activities of Geomatics Laboratory refers to the fields of architecture, civil engineering, environment and conservation of Cultural Heritage, through modern methods of integrated survey (total station, laser scanning, GPS, photogrammetry). Over the years, the laboratory of Geomatics has participated in national (PRIN and FIRB) and international research projects and has

  • 12. elezioni2019Burgio_CV (28%)

    12-dic-2019 13.50.59

    gestionali Membro della Giunta di Dipartimento del Dipartimento Culture e Società dell’Università ... of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Informations Sciences, vol. XLII-5/W1, pp. 573-580. 17

  • 13. METALAB3D (28%)

    1-ott-2019 16.33.26

    al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Laura Inzerillo è professore associato presso l'Università degli Studi di Palermo, Corso di studi in Ingegneria Civile, Dipartimento di Architettura. É docente di Disegno ... una fellowship ed ha avuto un incarico di ricerca dal 2001 al 2003. E' direttore del Dipartimento ... i seguenti campi: 1- Reverse Engineering (RE) - IBM, Image Based Modeling - 3D Scanning - Photogrammetry

  • 14. ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Description (28%)

    18-giu-2015 13.36.18

    and close-range photogrammetry, photo-interpretation of images, remote sensing, including

  • 15. Curriculum Agostino Tomasello (28%)

    23-nov-2022 10.05.21

    Struttura di afferenza: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DISTEM) Abilitazione ... -resolution UAV photogrammetry. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9, 903138. 2. TORTA L., BURRUANO S

  • 16. 8985_2374 - 31-MAR-22 - Determina a contrarre - pubblicazione - Tomasello (28%)

    3-nov-2022 15.27.07

    [Copia conforme] UNPA-331 - Prot. 2374-31/05/2022 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare ... field data with high-resolution UAV photogrammetry”; Considerato che la spesa complessiva ... – posta certificata: Codice IPA: 2INPVJ Dipartimento di Scienze ... con l’utilizzo del minor prezzo sia per il budget messo a disposizione del Dipartimento sia perché trattasi ... Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM) COD. FISC. 80023730825 ~ P.IVA 00605880822

  • 17. new-page (26%)

    7-mar-2014 11.32.23

    cv - UK DICAM, cv, docente Mauro Lo Brutto has obtained his PhD in “Geodetic and Topographic Sciences” at the University “Parthenope” of Naples in 2001. From 2003 he is Researcher at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospace and Materials Engineering, University of Palermo. His research activity is focused on 3D modelling, mostly for cultural heritage survey and documentation, supported by digital photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning techniques, on high resolution satellite

  • 18. cv (26%)

    7-mar-2014 11.26.27

    cv DICAM, cv, docente Mauro Lo Brutto has obtained his PhD in “Geodetic and Topographic Sciences” at the University “Parthenope” of Naples in 2001. From 2003 he is Researcher at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospace and Materials Engineering, University of Palermo. His research activity is focused on 3D modelling, mostly for cultural heritage survey and documentation, supported by digital photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning techniques, on high resolution satellite imagery

  • 19. new-page (26%)

    3-mar-2014 15.24.14

    ; - use of digital photogrammetry to survey territory and cultural heritage; - applications of GIS

  • 20. Curriculum (26%)

    3-mar-2014 15.25.05

    ; - use of digital photogrammetry to survey territory and cultural heritage; - applications of GIS