Ricerca avanzata per:
Risultati della ricerca
1. Geomatics Section (100%)
16-giu-2015 17.11.25Geomatics Section Geomatics, Topography, GNSS, Photogrammetry, Cartography, GIS, Research, DICAM Geomatics is a complex of disciplines that cover the acquisition, the processing, the analysis, the visualization and the management of spatial information data through the use of "traditional" survey techniques like topography, photogrammetry and cartography, and more recent techniques like remote sensing, geographic information systems and computer vision. The Geomatics section carries
2. Geomatics (57%)
20-gen-2014 16.23.30Geomatics Section Geomatics, Research, DICAM GEOMATICS SECTION ELISA OLIVERI
3. Bando di concorso per l'ammissione ai corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca XXXVI Ciclo (25%)
24-giu-2020 11.28.01, INFRASTRUCTURES, GEOMATICS, GEOTECHNICS, HAZARDS, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, TRANSPORTATION (AIM HIGHEST) Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof.ssa Antonina PIRROTTA Dipartimento Ingegneria Totale Posti ... Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Filippo SCHILLECI Dipartimento Architettura Totale ... FORESTRY Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Tiziano CARUSO Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie ... BUCCHIERI Dipartimento Biomedicina, Neuroscienze e Diagnostica Avanzata Totale Posti con borsa 10
4. Presentation and educational aims (23%)
5-lug-2020 17.59.37Advances In Modelling, Health-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering ... Infrastructure, Geomatics and Transport Engineering Location Palermo Associated Universities Department ... The PhD in Advances In Modeling, Health-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards ... as Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure, Geomatics, Risk Analysis ... Infrastructure Engineering, Geomatics, and Transport. The curriculum in the Structural and Geotechnical
5. Faculty people of DICAM - July 2018 (18%)
2-lug-2018 16.02.31Professor Geomatics Topography and Cartography DI FRANCO Francesco Assistant Professor Materials ... Geotechnical Structural Engineering LO BRUTTO Mauro Assistant Professor Geomatics Topography and ... Hydrology ORLANDO Pietro Assistant Professor Geomatics Topography and Cartography PALIZZOLO Luigi Associate
6. PhD Introduction (18%)
1-giu-2015 18.13.37engineering Transportation infrastructures engineering and geomatics Hydraulic and Environmental ... , biomechanics and environmental conservation. Transportation infrastructures engineering and geomatics Fully ... logistics of passengers and freight. Also, themes related to the field of Geomatics are of interest, such
7. ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Laboratory (18%)
27-apr-2016 13.44.43ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Laboratory ICAR06, Topography and Cartography, Laboratory Tools and equipment The activities of Geomatics Laboratory refers to the fields of architecture, civil engineering, environment and conservation of Cultural Heritage, through modern methods of integrated ... of Geomatics has participated in national (PRIN and FIRB) and international research projects and has ... cartography; The Geomatics Laboratory carries out transfer activities of the experiences
8. CEAR-04/A – Topography and Cartography (18%)
25-nov-2024 17.10.46activities and research in Geomatics; in particular, the activities are related to the applications of Geomatics in the field of civil engineering, architecture, environment and cultural heritage ... : Dipartimento Regionale dello Sviluppo Rurale e Territoriale dell’Assessorato Regionale dell'agricoltura, dello Sviluppo Rurale e della Pesca mediterranea della Regione Siciliana. Keywords Geomatics
9. Presentazione e obiettivi formativi (16%)
21-mag-2020 16.01.40Advances In Modelling, Health-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards ... consorziate Dipartimento di Afferenza Ingegneria Partenariato Coordinatore Antonina Pirrotta ... , Health-Monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures ... stipulate con il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile e coordinate in ambito nazionale con gruppi ... , Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (AIM HIGHEST) Formulazione
10. Laboratories of "Structures and Infrastructures" section (16%)
20-mar-2024 18.18.39Laboratories of "Structures and Infrastructures" section Engineering, Laboratories, Structures, Infrastructures, Unipa N° Laboratory denomination Laboratory manager 13 Laboratory of Structural Dynamics Antonina Pirrotta 24 Laboratory of Geomatics Gino Dardanelli, Mauro Lo Brutto 25 Laboratory of Geotechnics Maurizio Ziccarelli 41 Laboratory of Materials & Structures Piero Colajanni ... . Laboratory of Geomatics Activities The Sector is responsible for the Geomatics Laboratory, in which
11. Laboratories (16%)
19-mar-2024 17.56.38Laboratories of "Structures and Infrastructures" section Engineering, Laboratories, Structures, Infrastructures, Unipa N° Laboratory denomination Laboratory manager 13 Laboratory of Structural Dynamics Antonina Pirrotta 24 Laboratory of Geomatics Gino Dardanelli, Mauro Lo Brutto 25 Laboratory of Geotechnics Maurizio Ziccarelli 41 Laboratory of Materials & Structures Piero Colajanni ... . Laboratory of Geomatics Activities The Sector is responsible for the Geomatics Laboratory, in which
12. GRANA_OK (15%)
23-set-2022 11.58.18di Dipartimento di Ingegneria (DI), Università degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze - afferenza 90128 ... Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR/04 Strade Ferrovie Aeroporti), Dipartimento di Ingegneria (DI), Università ... ) Afferisce al DICAM oggi Dipartimento di Ingegneria (DI), Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italia. 16 ... Novembre 1998 – 31 Ottobre fruizione di borsa. Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Infrastrutture Viarie ... nell'ambito della collaborazione con il Dipartimento DIIV (ora DI) e l’Università degli Studi
13. Offerta Formativa (15%)
4-feb-2021 17.31.54, Health-monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures ... , Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (Aim Highest) Course Code
14. Incontro con i PhD students del 37° ciclo per il "Welcome&Breakfast" (15%)
13-lug-2022 8.58.06-monitoring, infrastructures, geomatics, geotechnics, hazards, engineering structures, transportation), prof.ssa Antonina Pirrotta, ed il Direttore del Dipartimento di Ingegneria, prof. Antonino ... , health-monitoring, infrastructures, geomatics, geotechnics, hazards, engineering structures, transportation), prof.ssa Antonina Pirrotta, ed il Direttore del Dipartimento di Ingegneria, prof. Antonino
15. cv - uk (14%)
27-apr-2024 16.39.46cv - uk Ingegneria, ICAR/06, Geomatica, cv, docente Mauro Lo Brutto is Associate Professor in Geomatics at Department of Engineering of University of Palermo. He holds an MSc. degree in Geological Sciences from the University of Palermo. He has attended an advanced postgraduate course in “G.I.S. (Geographical Information Systems) and Remote Sensing” from Formez in Naples (Italy) and won ... (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) for geomatics applications, on terrestrial laser scanning surveys for Cultural
16. 34_bando_dottorati (13%)
22-gen-2019 15.41.28), i titoli di accesso, le modalità di selezione. Di cui con Borsa Dipartimento Totale Posti Titolo
17. Offerta Formativa anno 2022 (13%)
21-nov-2022 11.57.01, Health-monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures ... , Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (Aim Highest) Course Code
18. Offerta Formativa anno 2021 (13%)
30-dic-2021 16.43.42, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (Aim Highest) Main ... proponent: PhD programme in Advances In Modeling, Health-monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics
19. Offerta formativa anno 2023 (13%)
10-nov-2023 9.34.11, Infrastructures, Geomatics, Geotechnics, Hazards, Engineering Structures, Transportation (Aim Highest ... proponent: PhD programme in Advances In Modeling, Health-monitoring, Infrastructures, Geomatics
20. Laboratories (11%)
3-mar-2020 8.15.48Laboratories darch, architettura, architecture, laboratory The Architecture Department has some laboratories that carry out teaching and research support activities: L.I.R.B.A. Indagini e Restauro dei Beni Architettonici "Salvatore Boscarino" Edilizia 3dArchLab Gis Applications and Geomatics ANDREA SANTORO