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Research Area

Active Research fields

-    Human Computer Interaction using natural language: semantic annotation, question answering, and informal language analysis
-    Medical imaging: tumor segmentation in PET images, blood vessel detection in histologic images
-    Pattern recognition: density based clustering algorithms, visual saliency in color images
-    Computer Graphics: virtual reality from panoramic images

Research projects of the last 5 years

-    DIGITEMA (Principal Investigator) “Fruizione DIGItale del patrimonio del TEatro MAssimo di Palermo”, Project number PAC02L2_00215. Development of a scalable software architecture for integrated fruition (web, mobile, olographic installation) of the cultural heritage belonging to the Teatro Massimo in Palermo. Duration 30 months.
-    I-TUTOR (head of the UNIPA research unit) “Intelligent Tutoring for Lifelong Learning” LLP “KA3- ICT Multilateral Projects”, Project number 519058-LLP-1-2011-1-IT-KA3-KA3MP. Design and implementation of an intelligent tutor architecture in support of lifelong learning. Principal investigator: Macerata University. Duration 24 months.
-    Project PAC02L2_00068, title “Bookalive”
-    Project PAC02L2_00167, title “Smart Heritage”
-    Project PON03PE_00214_3, title “NEPTIS”
-    PON 2007-2013 Project PON04a2_C, title “SMART HEALTH - CLUSTER OSDH - SMART FSE - STAYWELL”
-    PON 2007-2013 Project PON01_01687, title “SINTESYS”
-    “Industria 2015 Made in Italy” Project MI01_00158, title “Speaky Acutattile”


Prof. Stephen Grossberg, Boston University
Prof. Luc Steels e Dr. Katrien Beuls, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Dr. Remi Van Trijp, Sony Computer Science Laboratory - Paris
Prof. Roger Azevedo, North Carolina State University
Prof. Pier Giuseppe Rossi, Università degli Studi di Macerata

Active research

Head of the Computer Human Interaction Laboratory (CHILab)

-    Server with 2 CPU Intel Xeon 6 core, 16 GB 2 TB
-    4 workstations
-    2 workstations and a server equipped with GPU, 2 NVIDIA Jetson TK1 and 1 NVIDIA Jetson TX1 for developing embedded applications
-    Server with DTT modulation card, and 4 set-top-boxes for developing interactive applications
-    Arduino development kit
-    2 kinect sensors

Services delivered under the right of third parties

Design and implementation of software architectures with web and mobile clients, in the following fields:
-    Text analysis
-    Semantic computing
-    Knowledge management and representation
-    Information retrieval
-    E-learning
-    Digital cultural heritage management
-    Medical imaging
-    Image processing
-    Computer graphics
-    Interactive TV
-    Big data