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Research Area

Active Research fields

Ecology, plant geography and vegetation of Mediterranean and Prealpine territories. Experienced in:

- Landscape change assessments, inferential analysis, gradient analysis, ecological modelling and systems ecology

- Syntaxonomical surveys, environmental and climatic bioindication

- Multimedia archives and interactive identification tools for the flora of Italy

- Management and conservation of flora and habitats in Natura 2000 sites

- Human impact assessment on natural vegetation

Research projects of the last 5 years

- (2015-today) ANTHOSART: Research unit coordinator (

- (2014-2016) FLORINTESA: Research unit coordinator (

- (2009-2012) NATURA 2000 BASILICATA: Coordinator of the scientific steering committee. (;


- Responsible and supervisor of the interactive identification tools, thematic data-bases and information recruiting systems for the second edition of the Flora of Italy (by Sandro Pignatti);,%20bioidentify.pdf


- Research cooperation with the ZHAW (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften) and the Institut fur Geobotanik of the Hannover University as vegetation expert for  biodiversity green roofs and urban stepping-stones adopting the Natura 2000 habitat templates


- Coordinator of the research unit Forum Plinianum in the projects ANTHOSART & FLORINTESA (in partnership with ENEA and the Italian Botanical Society)


- Lead author of the IPBES report on Europe and Central Asia (

Active research

Services delivered under the right of third parties

- vascular plant identification

- vegetation classification and mapping

- environmental impact assessment (on flora and vegetation)

- vegetation design for extensive green roofs for biodiversity

- management plans, monitoring and conservation measures for protected areas and habitats