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Data Titolo Tipologia Scheda
2024 Guided Self-Help and Eating Disorders Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 Psychosocial predictors of trajectories of mental health distress during the COVID-19 pandemic: a four-wave panel study Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 How Can We Help You?: An Instagram-Based Online Self-Help for Eating Disorders Articolo in rivista Vai
2023 The interplay between emotion regulation, interpersonal problems and eating symptoms in individuals with obesity: A network analysis study Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Intolerance of Uncertainty and Risk Perception during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Fear of COVID-19 Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 The alliance-outcome association in group interventions: A multilevel meta-analysis Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 A three-wave panel study on longitudinal relations between problematic social media use and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic Articolo in rivista Vai
2022 Patient and mentor language style matching as a predictor of working alliance, engagement with treatment as usual, and eating disorders symptoms over the course of an online guided self-help intervention for anorexia nervosa Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 The impact of Facebook use on self-reported eating disorders during the COVID-19 lockdown Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 The relationship between working alliance with peer mentors and eating psychopathology in a digital 6-week guided self-help intervention for anorexia nervosa Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 The impact of emotion regulation and mental health difficulties on health behaviours during COVID19 Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 The psychological impact of COVID-19 on people suffering from dysfunctional eating behaviours: A linguistic analysis of the contents shared in an online community during the lockdown Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Factors related to women’s psychological distress during the covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from a two-wave longitudinal study Articolo in rivista Vai
2021 Outcomes for adults with anorexia nervosa who do not respond early to outpatient treatment Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 A multicenter audit of outpatient care for adult anorexia nervosa: Symptom trajectory, service use, and evidence in support of "early stage" versus "severe and enduring" classification Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 Network intervention analysis to assess the trajectory of change and treatment effects associated with the use of online guided self-help for anorexia nervosa Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 A randomised clinical trial to evaluate the acceptability and efficacy of an early phase, online, guided augmentation of outpatient care for adults with anorexia nervosa Articolo in rivista Vai
2020 The Feasibility of Using Guided Self-Help in Anorexia Nervosa: An Analysis of Drop-Out From the Study Protocol and Intervention Adherence Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Interpersonal difficulties in obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis to inform a rejection sensitivity-based model Articolo in rivista Vai
2019 Task-sharing interventions for patients with anorexia nervosa or their carers: a systematic evaluation of the literature and meta-analysis of outcomes Articolo in rivista Vai
2018 Social difficulties as risk and maintaining factors in anorexia nervosa: A mixed-method investigation Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Early Response to treatment in Eating Disorders: A Systematic Review and a Diagnostic Test Accuracy Meta-Analysis Articolo in rivista Vai
2017 Transition Care in Anorexia Nervosa Through Guidance Online from Peer and Carer Expertise (TRIANGLE): Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial Articolo in rivista Vai