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  • 1. UniPa per l’Ambiente - Inaugurazione del primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” (100%)

    14-ott-2019 14.38.47

    UniPa per l’Ambiente - Inaugurazione del primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” articolo, notizia, unipa, UniPa per l’Ambiente, Eco-Totem Smartie Water Nell’ambito delle iniziative per la campagna “UniPa per l’Ambiente” il Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, prof. Fabrizio Micari, ha inaugurato al Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” per la raccolta ... -del-primo-Eco-Totem-Smartie-Water.png

  • 2. UniPa per l’Ambiente - Inaugurazione del primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” (91%)

    21-ott-2019 12.36.03

    UniPa per l’Ambiente - Inaugurazione del primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” articolo, notizia, unipa, UniPa per l’Ambiente, Eco-Totem Smartie Water Nell’ambito delle iniziative per la campagna “UniPa per l’Ambiente” il Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, prof. Fabrizio Micari, ha inaugurato al Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” per la raccolta differenziata della plastica, dell’alluminio e l’erogazione di acqua potabile. Il progetto “PlaStop

  • 3. UniPa per l’Ambiente - Al Campus il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” (91%)

    28-ott-2019 9.13.56

    UniPa per l’Ambiente - Al Campus il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” articolo, notizia, unipa, UniPa per l’Ambiente, Eco-Totem Smartie Water Nell’ambito delle iniziative per la campagna “UniPa per l’Ambiente” il Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, prof. Fabrizio Micari, ha inaugurato al Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze il primo “Eco-Totem Smartie Water” per la raccolta differenziata della plastica, dell’alluminio e l’erogazione di acqua potabile. Il progetto “PlaStop UniPa

  • 4. MyUnipa App (23%)

    30-mar-2020 0.31.02

    students a service by "Eco-Totem Smartie Water". This Environmental Machine allows to separate collection of plastic and aluminum and supply drinking water. All students can get benefit of Eco-Totem Smartie Water, getting drinking water by disposing of plastic and aluminum empity bottles. The Eco-Totem Smartie Water is located at the Unipa Campus, Viale delle Scienze, building 8. GIORGIO ... GIORGIO MANNINA Plastic Free - Drinking Water distribution Point articolo, notizia, unipa

  • 5. Lavori di realizzazione degli allacciamenti degli impianti elettrici, idrici e trasmissione dati dell’apparecchiatura “Ecototem Smartie Water (15%)

    11-giu-2019 9.42.45

    0 46008 1830,00 Lavori di realizzazione degli allacciamenti degli impianti elettrici, idrici e trasmissione dati dell’apparecchiatura “Ecototem Smartie Water articolo, notizia, unipa ANGELA ORLANDO /sites/portale/_categories/decreto/

  • 6. Erasmus Welcome Day 2019 (13%)

    10-ott-2019 11.00.44

    Lunch ore 11.00 - Edificio 8 viale delle Scienze Inaugurazione Eco-Totem Smartie Water

  • 7. BILANCIO SOCIALE 2019 (11%)

    19-feb-2020 12.30.35

    22 Orientamento 22 Alternanza scuola lavoro 23 Formazione insegnanti scuola secondaria 23 Corso ... 2054 11 22 UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO Formazione insegnanti scuola secondaria La formazione ... anche il numero di insegnamenti in inglese è in crescita (+13% nell’a.a. 2019/2020). 2 2 3 3 22 21 ... di Fascia A 13% Percentuale di prodotti in riviste scientifiche 22% FONTE: IRIS UniPa, dicembre 2019

  • 8. Programma_HIC2018 (10%)

    28-giu-2018 11.10.32

    :00 Keynote lecture 4 - Ezio Todini "Revisiting water distribution modeling under an uncertainty ... - Plenary Room 10:20:00 10:40:00 Coffee break 10:40:00 11:00:00 166 22 184 31 34 32 11:00:00 11:20:00 ... , Rodney Using compensated fluorescence probes data for proactive water ✔ ✔ A3. Real time control ... Robustness of Extreme Learning Machine in Hydrological Time- ✔ S6. Model predictive control for water ... and Arnab Temporal Variation in Water Induced Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model ✔ ✔ B2. Remote sensing

  • 9. clp (10%)

    24-giu-2014 14.53.56

    europeo e del Consiglio, del 22 settembre 2003, sugli additivi destinati all'alimentazione (9 ... /388/CEE del Consiglio, del 22 giugno 1988, sul presentare sono in parte determinati dalle modalità ... all'interno di una classe di (22) Per facilitare la determinazione del pericolo per le miscele, i pericolo

  • 10. CV_Brunone (8%)

    10-apr-2020 9.22.45

    of the Water Engineering Laboratory (WEL) President of the Steering Committee of the Department of Excellence ... at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Perugia (Brunone et al, 2008). At the 2016 H2O Water International Exhibition of Bologna (Italy), the PPWM received the ”sustainability award ... practitioners —who havemade significant con- tributions to the development of the field of the Water ... Water Resources Institute (EWRI). The valuable results of the research in the four-year period 2011

  • 11. bruno brunone - curriculum scientifico in lingua inglese (8%)

    24-mag-2022 16.19.51

    of the Water Engineering Laboratory (WEL) President of the Steering Committee of the Department of Excellence ... at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Perugia (Brunone et al, 2008). At the 2016 H2O Water International Exhibition of Bologna (Italy), the PPWM received the ”sustainability award ... practitioners —who havemade significant con- tributions to the development of the field of the Water ... Water Resources Institute (EWRI). The valuable results of the research in the four-year period 2011

  • 12. cv_brunone (8%)

    17-apr-2018 9.54.05

    Nationality: Italian Current position Professor Director of the Water Engineering Laboratory ... at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Perugia (Brunone et al, 2008). At the 2016 H2O Water International Exhibition of Bologna (Italy), the PPWM received the ”sustainability award ... practitioners —who havemade significant con- tributions to the development of the field of the Water ... Water Resources Institute (EWRI). The valuable results of the research in the four-year period 2011

  • 13. Ritiro delle borracce UniPa (8%)

    17-ott-2019 9.07.34

    Ritiro delle borracce UniPa articolo, notizia, unipa locandina Gli studenti di primo anno potranno ritirare le borracce UniPa lunedì 21 ottobre dalle 9 alle 13 presso le Aule Nuove /sites/portale/scuole/dimedicinaechirurgia/.content/immagini/Locandina_UniPa-per-lAmbiente_Inaugurazione-Eco-Totem-Smartie-Water.jpg CLAUDIO MUSSOLIN /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 14. cv_roccaro (8%)

    11-mar-2021 14.34.31

    reclamation plant, 3rd Water Research Conference, January 11-14, 2015, Shenzhen, China. 22. P. Roccaro ... carbon adsorption for micropollutant removal from drinking water”, Doctoral Program in Environmental and ... 2015: Invited Seminar, “Formation and degradation of NDMA in water reclamation processes”. TUM ... of micro-pollutants in drinking water” Seminar at the University of Nevada – Las Vegas, Department ... of emerging chlorination by-products in drinking water by using surrogates”, Seminar at the Southern

  • 15. codici_UN (7%)

    10-mag-2017 9.41.42

    than 10 percent water, by mass UN 0005 - UN 0007 1 Cartridges for weapons, with bursting charge ... or Cyclonite, wetted or Hexogen, wetted or RDX, wetted with not less than 15 percent water by mass ... water or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass UN 0075 1 Diethyleneglycol dinitrate, desensitized with not less than 25 percent non-volatile water-insoluble phlegmatizer, by mass UN 0076 1 Dinitrophenol, dry or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass UN 0077 1 Dinitrophenolates alkali

  • 16. codici_UN (7%)

    11-nov-2015 9.42.02

    than 10 percent water, by mass UN 0005 - UN 0007 1 Cartridges for weapons, with bursting charge ... or Cyclonite, wetted or Hexogen, wetted or RDX, wetted with not less than 15 percent water by mass ... water or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass UN 0075 1 Diethyleneglycol dinitrate, desensitized with not less than 25 percent non-volatile water-insoluble phlegmatizer, by mass UN 0076 1 Dinitrophenol, dry or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass UN 0077 1 Dinitrophenolates alkali

  • 17. Curriculum_Cottone (7%)

    23-nov-2018 12.26.37

    , 22-27 Maggio 2017 ... -do-computational E' stata componente del comitato organizzatore del “3rd Conference on Frontiers in Water ... -in-Water-Biophysics-2015/ E' stata componente del comitato organizzatore del “Italian National ... Dynamics of Supercooled Water and Other Glassy Materials” Palermo 10-13 Ottobre 2015, https ... of the ERICE School “NEUTRON SCIENCE AND INSTRUMENTATION” , Erice, 22-31 Luglio 2016 http://sons.uniroma2

  • 18. Revised draft WP2013_version26-03-12 (7%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.32

    ENV.2013.6.2-1 Water resources management under complex, multi-stressor conditions .................... 17 ENV.2013.6.2-2 Toxicants, environmental pollutants and land and water resources management ... .................................................................................. 22 ENV.2013.6.2-8 ... to the assessment of global water resources through the use of new Earth Observation datasets and ... ...................................................................................................... 34 ENV.2013.WATER-1 Water efficiency and innovation demonstration projects

  • 19. cv prof. lubello (7%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.56

    distributed modelling. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 30, No.2, London UK, 1994. [22] LUBELLO C ... of IWA 2nd World Water Congress, Melbourne (Australia), 17-22 April 2002. [75] LUBELLO C., R. GORI ... BATTLE: Best Available Techniques for water reuse in Textile smEs. (LIFE ENV/IT/000846 ... distributed parameter models. The case of the Orme stream basin. Water Supply, 10, Dorchester UK, 1991 ... . Water Science & Technology, Vol.28, No. 3-5, London UK,1993. [17] PRETI F., C. LUBELLO

  • 20. Home - Water&Energy (7%)

    5-apr-2016 13.15.04

    Home - Water&Energy seminar, water, dicam With great excitement we received lots of positive ... 7 The need of urban water cycle services adapting to future stresses calls for changes that take sustainability into account. Population growth, water scarcity, pollution and climate change pose urgent water challenges in cities. Water and energy are essential to humanity’s existence. These resources have influenced the structure of the societies over the centuries. In the modern society water and